Iha tinan 2011 loron 20 Agosto, sai loron historiku ba demokrasia iha FRETILIN nia laran. Iha loron ida ne’e militantes tomak FRETILIN nian sei hakat ba estasaun no centro votasaun iha Timor Leste laran tomak atu vota ba lideransa nebe mak sei sai mata dalan ba sira.
Nu’udar Pakete Kandidatu baPrezidente no Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN nian ami hakarak hato’o ami nia Kompromissu Politiku hodi hametin liu tan FRETILIN no servi diak liu tanpovo Timor-Leste iha loron oin mai, wainhira militantes tomak fo fiar no vota ba ami nai ruanu’udarsira nia Prezidente no Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN liu husi eleisaun Direta Lideransa nian.
FRETILIN nu’udar partidu responsavel ba nia militantes no povo Timor-Leste, presija lideransa nebe iha responsabilidade, integridade, kredibilidade no determinado atu bele reprezenta no sai mata dalan ba militantes tomak FRETILIN nian.
Nu’udar pakote kandidatu ba eleisaun direta lideransa FRETILIN nian, ami fiar no imi hotu hatene no hare tiha ona katak ami hatudu tiha ona ami nia responsabilidade, integridade , kredibilidade no determinado hasoru desafius barak iha tinan hirak liu ba. Ami nain rua hatudu ona ba militantes tomak FRETILIN nian katak to’o ohin loron ami hamrik metin nafatin ho militantes FRETILIN sira iha tempu defisil laran no li-liu iha krise hasoru FRETILIN iha tinan 2006.
Hahalok hirak ne’e la’os deit hatudu iha tempo krize 2006 nia laran, hafoin krize ne’e rasik mos, ami hatudu nafatin ba militantes no povo Maubere tomak katak Partidu FRETILIN nebe ami lidera iha tempo defisil ne’e bele hamrik metin fila fali, maske nune’e, ami hakarak hato’o dala ida tan ba militantes FRETILIN tomak, ami nia Kompromisu Politiku wainhira ami hetan nafatin fiaratu sai mata-dalan ba militanntes FRETILIN nu’udar Prezidente no Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN.Ho lideransa ami nian, jovens barak, feto no mane involve ona hanesan kuadrus FRETILIN nian iha estrutura FRETILIN iha nivel hotu-hotu, ezemplu nebe sai ona hanesan transisaun ba futuru lideransaFRETILIN nian.
Ita nia Partidu FRETILIN ohin loron metin ba bebeik, ho ami nia lideransa hafoin II Congressu iha fulan Maio 2006, iha tempo susar nia laran, ami konsege lori ita nia Partidu no ita nia rain sai husi krize ida neba. Serbisu barak ita nia partidu halo seidauk to’o rohan, sei la to’o rohan, tan ita nia Partidu tenki sai hanesan referensia ba konstrusaun estadu de direitu no sai mos referensia ba povo tomak nebe mak involve iha politika hodi hadian ita nia rain.
Ita nia militantes ohin loron inskreve ona liu rihun atus ida lima nulu resin, numeru ne’e sei aumenta iha fulan hirak oin mai, sistema ne’e hola parte iha prosessu reajustamentu nebe hahu iha tinan 2007, husi Konferensia Holarua iha Distritu Manufahi.To’o ohin loronprosessu ne’e la’o nafatin atu hametinita nia Partidu nia organizasaun. Ita halo ona konsolidasaun iha Timor-Leste laran tomak ho prezensa ami nain rua nian hodi hasoru diretamente ho kuadrus no militantes sira. Ita nia sede FRETILIN sai ona fatin baita hotu ho nia kultura institusional rasik hodi produz liderFRETILIN sira atu ukun Timor-Leste, sede CCF sai fatin bakuadrus sira atu aprende politika no doutrina lolos oinsa ukun Timor- Leste ho responsabilidade.Atu komunika diretamente ho militantes no povo Timor-Leste tomak FRETILIN, ita mos hari hikas fali Radio Maubere, Radio nebe ho nia historia rasik.
Ho serbisu hirak ne’e hotu, liu husi komprimissu politiku ida ne’e, ami hakarak hato’o ba militantes FRETILIN tomak katak wainhira camaradas sira fo nafatin fiar ba ami nain ruaatu lidera camaradas sira nu’udar Prezidente no Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN ba tinan lima oin mai, hamutuk ho Camaradas sira hotu no estruturas FRETILIN tomak to’o tinan lima oin mai , FRETILIN nebe ami lidera sei:
1.Metin liu tan hodi hasoru desafius oin-oin molok no hafoin eleisaun Prezidensial no Lejislativas iha tinan 2012;
2.Manan iha eleisaun Prezidensial no Lejislativas iha tinan 2012 hodi ukun Timor-Leste ho responsabilidade no integridade no dignidade;
3.Hametin fiar povo Timor-Leste tomak ba FRETILIN hodi lori povo Timor-Leste partisipa iha prossesu libertasaun povo husi kiak no mukit;
4.Hametin liu tan Estado de Direitu Timor-Leste hanesan Estado nebesoberano no independente;
5.Hametin estruturas FRETILIN iha nivel baze to’o nivel central liu husiprogramas Formasaun Politika nebe sistematiku;
6.Kria kondisaun diak liu ba joventude Feto Mane atu involve iha FRETILIN hodi hametin liu tan FRETILIN;
7.Reprezenta FRETILIN iha nivel internasional ho nasional hodignidade no integridade;
8.Hametin no estabelese relasaun diak ho forsas politikas hotu-hotu inklui sosiedade sivil;
9.Hametin FRETILIN atu defende riku-soi Timor- Leste nian ho kompetensia no dignidade;
10.Halo FRETILIN atu sai Partido ho militanteskonsientes no Partido ba Povu tomak.
Ikus liu, nu’udar Kandidatus ba Prezidente no Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN, ami nia esperansa katak atu hametin no reafrima identidade FRETILINno povo Maubere mai fo imi nia “Vota Lu-Olo nu’udar Prezidente FRETILINno Mari Alkatiri nudar Sekretariu Jeral FRETILIN.
Viva Povo Maubere
Kandidatu ba Prezidente Kandidatu ba Seckretariu Jeral
Eis Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nian, Dr. Mari Alkatiri moris iha 26 Novembro 1949 iha Dili. Nia moris iha familia bot, ho maun alin hamutuk nain 10.
Nia kaben ho Sra Marina Ribeiro Alkatiri no sira iha oan tolu, Nurima, Lukeno no Solok, no nia iha be’e oan feto rua, Kaiya no Kyanah.
Nia remata nia estudus primarios no secundarios iha Dili. Iha 1970 nia remata nia estudos iha Escola Angolana Geografia nian. Depois nia remata nia estudus iha Direitu Constitucional no Internacional iha Univresidade Eduardo Mondlane iha Maputo, Mocambique. Nia Licensiado iha Direito Consitucional no Internacional Pravidau no Publico, no servisu nudar consultor Juridiku Senior iha gabinete Advogacia ida iha Maputo entre 1992-1998.
Iha 1995-1998 nia servisu mos nudar consultor kona ba Direitu Internacional Publiku no Direitu Consitucional ba Parlamentu Mocambicano. Nia hahu nia mestradu iha “Direitu Tradisional iha Timor-Leste no nia relasaun ho Lei Formal” maibe nia la konsegue remata tamba nia fila fali mai Timor-Leste iha 13 Outubru 1999.
Mari Alkatiri sempre fiar katak Justisa mak bot liu no loron ruma povo Maubere sei manan nia Luta ba Ukun Rasik Aan tamba luta ida neebe justu, no nia devota nia moris tomak hodi defende direitu nia povo nian. Durante tempo resistensia nia halau diplomacia no dialogo ho liders iha comunidade internasional, inklui grupos neebe bele halo lobby ba Nasoens Unidas molok mundu hahu fo atensaun fila fali ba Luta Timor-Leste nia Luta ba Ukun Rasik Aan. Nudar advogado nia usa efetivamente nia matenek no experiensia hodi contribui ba FRETILIN nia ideologia no objectivus, atu halau defesa Povo Timor-Leste nia direitu iha terus laran tamba invasaun no okupasaun illegal, hodi nunee ONU tenke preokupa nafatin ba situasaun Timor-Leste nian.
Molok Dr Mari Alkatiri ba estuda iha Angola, nia hahu ona nia actividade Luta ba Independensia iha Janeiru 1970 bainhira nia halo parte formasaun grupo clandestino Timor Oan nian ho naran “Movimento ba Libertasaun Timor-Leste.” Nia deit mak sei moris husi grupo ida nee.
Depois de Revolusaun iha Portugal iha 25 Abril 1974, nia fila fali mai Timor-Leste, no iha tempo liberade politika no social neebe mosu depois de Revolusaun iha Portugal, nia sai co-fundador ba partidu politiku foun ASDT (Assosiasaun Social Democrata de Timorense), no nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Adjunto Secretario Geral ASDT nian.
Bainhira ASDT transforma ba FRETILIN iha 11 Setembru 1974, nia mos sai membru fundador FRETILIN nian, no mos sai membru Comite Central no Adjuntu Secretario ba Assuntos Internacionais FRETILIN nian. Iha Outubro 1975 CCF elege nia nudar Commissario Politiku Nacional.
Bainhira Forsas Armadas Indonesia nian hahu tama iha fronteira iha 1975, FRETILIN desidi forma “Forsas Armadas de Libertasaun Nacional de Timor-Leste” FALINTIL iha loron 20 Agosto 1975, neebe Dr. Alkatiri sai co-organizador. Husi grupo organizador nee iha ema deit mak sei moris ho nia.
Molok invasaun Indonesia Dr. Mari hetan nomeasaun husi FRETILIN atu partisipa iha campanha atu mobiliza comunidade internasional atu hapara invasaun Indonesia. Nia visita nasaun balun iha Afrika hodi buka apoiu. Bainhira nia fila fali mai Timor-Leste iha 23 Novembru 1975, nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Presidenti Commissaun neebe iha knaar atu hakerek Constituisaun Timor-Leste nian atu prepara ba Deklarasaun Independensia.
Iha 28 Novembro 1975, FRETILIN deklara Independencia no proklama Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian. Dr Alkatiri hetan nomeasaun nudar Ministro Senior no Plenipotenciario ba Assuntos Politikus.
Tamba forsas Indonesia nian tama tiha ona iha fronteira, no invasaun besik ona, Vice Presidenti no Primeiru Ministro Timor-Leste nian, Nicolau Lobato husu Comite Central FRETILIN nian atu haruka delegasaun ida ba liur hodi mobiliza comunidade internacional no buka dalan atu hapara invasaun. Dr Alkatiri membru ida iha delegasaun ida nee nia laran, no iha loron 4 Dezembru 1975 (loron 3 molok invasaun) delegasaun nee sai ba liur. Nia hela iha Mocambique nudar Chefe Departamento Externo FRETILIN nian to’o 1999.
Iha Dezembru 1975 Dr Alkatiri nudar Chefe Delegasaun Externa FRETILIN nian ba halau servisu lobby Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas nian, neebe aprova resolusaun hodi condena Indonesia nia invasaun ba Timor-Leste.
Iha 1977 Dr Alkatiri hetan nomeasaun nudar Ministro Relasoens Externas governo Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian iha liur. Husi 1975 to’o 1982 Dr Alkatiri atende reuniaun hotu Kuarta Komissuan Nasoens Unidas nian neebe preokupa ho prosesu deskolonizasaun iha rain balun iha mundu, hanesan mos Timor-Leste.
Iha 1982-1983 Dr Mari mak partisipa no servisu makas iha prosesu hotu iha Assembleia Geral Nasoens Unidas nian neebe resulta iha “Resolusaun 37/30 de 23 de Novembro de 1982” neebe husu Secretariu Geral ONU atu halau “consultas” ho partes hotu atu bele hetan solusaun ba caso Timor-Leste nian. Iha 1983 ba oin nia partisipa no servisu tuir iha reunioens hotu Komissaun Direitus Humanus ONU nian neebe diskuti caso Timor-Leste. Iha 1985 nia halo diplomacia ho Movimentu Naun Alinhado no atende eventus internacionais barak hodi foti kestaun Timor-Leste nian.
Iha tinan 1990 ba oin nia envolve iha prosesu conversas trilateral entre ONU, Indonesia no Portugal, no mos tuir mai iha prosesu dialogo neebe hahu iha 1995 naran “Um Timor-Leste Abrangente” neebe ONU mak patriosina no halo mediasaun.
Iha 1994 Dr. mari hetan nomeasaun nudar membru ba Comissaun Frente Diplomatica nian, neebe composto husi membro nain hat.
Iha Abril 1998 Dr Mari hetan eleisaun nudar membro Comissaun ba Politika Nasional CNRT nian iha “Covensaun Nasional Timorense iha Diaspora” neebe harii CNRT.
Iha Agosto 1999, Dr Mari Alkatiri hetan nomeasaun husi Presidenti CNRT nian, Xanana Gusmao, atu kaer responsabilidade ba assuntus kona ba Tasi Timor, no nia lori naran resistensia tomak nian iha prosesu ida nee.
Depois de votasaun iha 1999 Presidenti CNRT nafatin fo knaar ba nia atu halau negosiasaun ba Tasi Timor no ida nee mak resulta iha akordu historiku neebe fo ba Timor-Leste 90 persentu no Australia 10 persentu direitu kona ba osan mina rai husi zona exclusiva Tasi Timor nian.
Nia hatutan nia servisu importante ida nee bainhira iha primeiru governu constitusional nia mak lidera prosesu hodi elabora leis kona ba fundu mina rai no leis explorasaun mina rai neebe fo independensia finanseira no soberana ba Timor-Leste. Iha mos akordu kona ba Greater Sunrise neebe negosia iha nia tempo nudar governante, iha tinan 2004-6.
Iha Setembru 2001 nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Ministru Chefe no Ministru Ekonomia no Desenvolvimentu iha Segundo Governu Transitoriu no banihira Restaurasaun Independensia realisa iha 20 Maio 2002 nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Economia no Desenvolvimentu.
Nudar Presidenti Meza Commissaun Nasional ba Desenvolvimentu nia mak dirigi elaborasaun Planu Desenvolvimentu Nasional.
Governasaun neebe Mari Alkatiri lidera nudar Primeiru Ministru rekonhesidu nudar governasaun ho responsabilidade fiscal no ho susesu, maske orsamentu kiik, konsegue halo buat barak. Nia rekonhesidu nudar governante neebe konsegue resiste husik Timor-Leste tama ba tusan ba rain seluk ka instituisaun seluk liu husi dividas publikas.
Mekanismu Fundu Mina Rai neebe governu FRETILIN neebe nia lidera harii, hetan rekonhesimentu to’o ohin loron nudar transparente, porgressivu no sustentavel liu hotu.
Ohin loron Timor-Leste tama iha EITI, Inisiativa Transparensia iha Industria Extrativas, tamba servisu neebe governu neebe nia lidera konsegue halo bainhira hakerek no FRETILIN iha parlamentu aprova leis neebe fo importansia bot tebes ba prinsipius transparensia no sustentabilidade.
Dr Mari Alkatiri hetan rekonhesimentu husi komunidade internasional nudar governante neebe harii sistema governasaun neebe transparente no etiku liu desde Timor-Leste hetan restaurasaun independensia.
Hamutuk ho Presidenti Partidu FRETILIN Lu Olo, sira rekonhesidu nudar forsa construtiva no positiva neebe konsegue lidera FRETILIN neebe partidu bot liu hotu hodi halo opozisaun de facto (tamba no maske la rekonhese governasaun nudar consitusional) tuir prinsipius demokratiku, tuir constituisaun no lei no rejeita totalmente violensia nudar dalan hodi halo opozisaun ba governu de facto nia ukun.
BA INFORMASAUN DETALHADU KA SELUK TAN CONTACTA HO JOSE TEIXEIRA, COORDENADOR MEDIA: Telemovel: +670 728 7080 Email: jose.fern.teixeira@gmail.com/fretilin.media@gmail.com
Ho naran neebe ema hotu conhese nudar “Lu Olo”, nia moris no sarani Francisco Guterres iha Ossu, Distrito Viqueque iha 7 Setembru 1954.
Lu Olo kaben ho Cidalia Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, no sira iha oan tolu, Francisco Cidalino, Eldino Nobre no Felezito Samora Guterres.
Hori 1963 to’o 1969 Lu Olo estuda iha Colegio Santa Teresinha iha Ossu, no iha tempo nee nia simu instrusaun escolar husi Padre Salesiano sira. Iha tinan 1969 nia remata kuarta classe.
Iha 1969 nia tama iha Liceu iha Dili no estuda iha Liceu to’o 1973, bainhira nia fila fali ba Colegio Santa Teresinha nudar monitor escolar to’o 1974. Nia fila fali ba Dili iha 1974 hodi hahu fali nia estudus, maibe la consegue tamba nia integra aan ba Luta Contra Colonialismu Potugues.
Lu Olo la consegue estuda fali, to’o iha tinan 2007 bainhira nia estuda curso direitu, neebe nia consegue remata parte teoria tomak iha tinan ida nee no agora halau deit parte pratika.
Iha 1974 nia integra no partisipa nudar dedicasaun exclusiva ba Luta Libertasaun to’o 2000 bainhira nia fo nia aan tomak ba reorganizasaun FRETILIN nian nudar partidu hodi prepara FRETILIN nudar partido ba era post indepdendensia, era demokrasia. Nia froma parte grupo comandante nain 4 deit neebe hela iha ai laran tinan 24 tomak durante funu resistensia.
Hori 15 Setembru 2001 to’o 20 Maiu 2002 Lu Olo kaer knaar Presidenti Assembleia Consituente, neebe hakerek no aporva consituisaun RDTL nian. Nee lori Lu Olo ba reconhesimentu nudar, “Mata Dalan ba Konstituisaun RDTL nian.”
Bainhira independensia nasional RDTL nian restaura fila fali iha 20 Maiu 2002, Lu Olo sae ba knaar Presidenti Parlamentu Nasional RDTL nian to’o 31 Junho 2007.
Lu Olo rekonhesidu nudar lider resitensia ida neebe consegue halo transisaun husi funu nain ida ba lider ida iha era consitusional no estadu direitu demokratiku.
Lu Olo, unico lider funu nain husi tempo resistensia iha Timor-Leste neebe consegue estuda no besik ona atu remata estudus curso pratica direitu, no la kleur sei licensia nudar advogadu.
Lu Olo nia historia iha resistensia hahu husi nia militansia iha partidu FRETILIN desde 1974 no nia fo nia aan tomak ba luta ba libertasaun nasional, luta ba ukun rasik aan, neebe dura tinan 24 tomak.
Iha 1974 kedan nia adere ba ASDT tamba nia hare katak paridu ida nee nia defesa ba independencia total Timor-Leste nian, mudansas ba vida social, economica no politika povo Maubere nian liu husi reformas estruturais neebe mosu iha tempo colonialismu nian, mak dalan atu liberta nasaun no liberta povo. Nia hetan mos orientasaun makas husi Padres Salesianos balun neebe hanorin nia kona ba konsiensia no moralidade atu luta ba nia povo no nasaun.
Iha 1975 nia adere aan ba FRETILIN nudar militante, no bainhira Indonesia invade Timor-Lest iha Dezembru 1975, nia mos sae ba foho no ai laran hamutuk ho povo no ho lideransa Comite Central FRETILIN nian. Nia tama hamutuk pelutaun ida FALINTIL nian neebe comandado husi Comandante Lino Olkasa, no hahu nia moris nudar funu nain ba liberta Povo no Patria Maubere.
Iha Junho 1976 nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Vice Secretraiu Ossu nian, Distritu Viqueque, no iha tinan hanesan nia substitui fali Secretariu Zona depois de ida nee hetan capturasaun husi forsas Indonesia nian.
Depois reuniaun dauluk CCF nian iha 1976, Lu Olo hetan nomeasaun nudar Vice Secretariu regiaun Leste nian, no tamba nee nia hahu iha ligasaun direta ho Comando Luta nian.
Iha 1977/78 nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Commissariu Sector Ponta Leste nian. Iha 1978 atu remata, inimigo consegue harahun base apoiu nian no consegue hahu controlla populasaun makas liu ona. Tinan tolu tuir inimigo harahun base de apoiu, hamosu tempo susar tebes ba sira neebe sei iha foho, no obriga fase foun ida halau funu guerilha nian, no jovem Lu Olo mos hili atu halau funu guerilha ida nee, tamba nia hanesan barak, hili tiha ona atu cumpri ho obrigasaun, PATRIA KA MATE.
Iha 1981, resistensia armada FRETILIN nian hetan reestrurasaun iha foho husi lider sira neebe moris hela, hanesan Comandante Xanana Gusmao, Comandante Ma Hunu no Comandante Basuka, neebe tuir mai mate iha combate.
Iha 1982 Lu Olo hetan nomeasaun nudar Adjuntu iha regiaun Leste, no mos halo parte Comando Terseira Companhia Guerilha nian, nudar responsavel politico.
Iha 1984 nia hetan nomeasaun nudar Commissariu Politiku. Iha 1987 nia kaer knaar nee hamutuk ho funsaun executivo bainhira nia hetan transferensia ba Regiaun Cruzeiros, “composto husi Distritus Manifahi, Manatuto Oeste, Aileu no parte Oriental Dili nian.”
Iha 1987, Comandante Chefe Xanana Gusmao, hasai aan husi FRETILIN no harii CNRM (Conselho Nacional Resistensia Maubere), nudar estrategia foun ba luta. Comando politiku FRETILIN nian integra ba Commissaun Directiva FRETILIN (CDF), neebe parte integrante ba Resistensia Armada, neebe Ma Hunu mak Secretariu, no Mau Hodo, Konis Santana no Lu Olo mak Vice Secretarius.
Bainhira Mau Hodo hetan capturasaun husi inimigo iha 1991, no tuir mai Xanana iha 1992, no Ma Hunu entrega aan iha 1993, Konis Santana mak sai Secretariu CDF no mos Comando da Luta, no Lu Olo assume cargo Vice Secretariu CDF nian. Bainhira Comandante Konis Santana mate iha 1997, Lu Olo assume crago nudar Secretariu CDF nian no kaer funsaun politiku iha Resistensia Armada.
Tuir Lu Olo nia proposta, FRETILIN realisa conferencia extraordinaria iha Sydney, Australia, hodi reorganiza Diresaun Central FRETILIN nian. Nunee Conselho Presidensial FRETILIN nian harii no substitui CDF, ho Lu Olo nudar Coordenador Geral Conselho Presidensial FRETILIN nian ba Resistensia Armada, no Mari Alkatiri nudar primeiru Vice Coordenador iha Frente Diplomatica, Ma Hunu nudar Segundo Vice Coordenador iha Frente Clandestina no Mau Hodo nudar Secretario Secretariado Politico Permanente FRETILIN nian iha Frente Clandestina.
Banihira CNRT harii, Lu Olo sai mos membro Conselho Politico Nacional CNRT nian (CPN/CNRT), Secretario Frente Politica Interna (FPI), membru Conselho Politico Militar iha Resistensia Armada, no Coordenador Geral Conselho Presidensial FRETILIN nian.
Iha 26 Novembru 2000 Lu Olo entrega nia kilat M-15 no m unisoens tomak ba commando FALINTIL nian, no nia fila ba Dili hodi halau Conferencia Nacional Quadros FRETILIN nian atu reorganiza estrtura base FRETILIN nian neebe harahun iha funu laran, no prepara atu ba Congresso FRETILIN nian iha 2001.
Congresso FRETILIN iha 2001 elege Lu Olo nudar Presidenti CCF, hanesan mos iha Congressu FRETILIN ba darua iha 2006.
Iha eleisaun Legislativas iha 30 Agosto 2001, Lu Olo lidera FRETILIN ba Vitoria bot hodi manan assentu barak liu hotu atu compoen Assembleia Constituente.
Iha horas 00:00 iha loron 20 Maio 2002 nudar Presidenti Parlamentu Nasional Lu Olo mak halo Deklarasaun Restaurasaun Independencia RDTL nian no fo tomada posse ba Sr Xanana Gusmao nudar Presidenti Republika. Lu Olo mak Deklarador Restaurasnun Independensia RDTL nian.
Iha Abril 2007 Lu Olo nudar candidato ba Presidenti Republika manan votos bot liu candidato sira seluk iha primeirua ronda, maibe lakon iha segunda ronda.
Hamutuk ho Secretariu Geral Partidu FRETILIN Dr Mari Alkatiri, sira rekonhesidu nudar forsa construtiva no positiva neebe konsegue lidera FRETILIN neebe partidu bot liu hotu hodi halo opozisaun de facto (tamba no maske la rekonhese governasaun nudar consitusional) tuir prinsipius demokratiku, tuir constituisaun no lei no rejeita totalmente violensia nudar dalan hodi halo opozisaun ba governu de facto nia ukun.
Dili, 23 July 2011
The bomb attack and shooting that has killed dozens of innocent Norwegians reported in the international press, are an abominable act of senseless and repulsive terror on a people devoted to peacefully helping other peoples around the world, said Dr Mari Alkatiri, the Secretary General of FRETILIN, Timor-Leste’s largest political party.
“Firstly, we express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this terror, but also to the people of Norway.It is a cowardly attack on what has been a stable, peaceful, successful and progressive democracy. It is an offensive attack on a society that has been an example to all societies and nations on humanitarianism and on how to successfully manage non-renewable natural resources for the equitable benefit of society,” Dr. Alkatiri added.
“Although I am speaking on behalf of FRETILIN, I am sure I am also expressing the sentiments of all our people, when I say that we want all Norwegians to know that our solidarity is with you as a people and nation at tragic time. The Norwegian people have been amongst the most compassionate, supportive and generous friends our people and nation have had for decades. For this and more we all want them to know they are not alone at this time. I have, many of us Timorese have, many personal friends who have previously worked with us and lived with us here in Timor-Leste back living in Norway at this time.We want you to know that our thoughts and our prayers are with you at this difficult and testing time for you and your nation,” Dr Alkatiri said.
Norway was the first nation to offer its full unconditional assistance to Timor-Leste in developing the sustainable development of its petroleum resources. It was on the Norwegian model that the Timor-Leste government established is “Norway Plus” world-renowned petroleum fund in 2004.Norway has also contributed substantial aid in other areas of governance and for humanitarian assistance in times of need for Timor-Leste.
4-instituições-4 = 4-previsões-4 para as taxas de variação do PIB e da inflação em Timor Leste em 2010 e 2011. Esclareça-se que a taxa média anual de inflação em 2010, em Dili, segundo os dados da Direcção Nacional de Estatística foi de 6,8%.
Como se pode verificar há diferenças, por vezes significativas, entre os vários valores.
Segundo os dados da DNE a taxa de inflação homóloga de Junho passado (Junho11 sobre Junho10) terá sido de cerca de 12%.
(Translation from Tetum)
11 July 2011
Good morning Mr. President.
In 2007 when we all gathered in this noble chamber to hear the government present its five-year governance program, we first heard from this de facto government that the 2001 National Development Plan would be updated. A Plan that had been compiled in 2001-2002 after a lengthy public consultation process that involved a national dialogues process with over 30,000 people. Almost four years after having heard that, we have just received for our consideration a week ago this document entitled the National Strategic Development Plan.
Prior to us members of parliament having received this document a week ago, we had access to an early draft, which was only in English.
It took the de facto government four years, at a cost of three and a half millions US dollars paid to a private consultant from Indonesia, but members of this parliament were only given a final version in Portuguese to analyze and approve one week ago.
Nobody doubts that our people, our nation, need a development plan. It is FRETILIN that reminds this parliament almost on a weekly basis of the need to govern with a plan, programs, and not just ad hoc governance or governances from one’s dreams as has been the case with this de facto government for four years now.
After having paid millions and after four years, with a large team of varied advisors and consultants to help them, the de facto government pushed this document onto this national parliament, where members do not have any advisors or consultants to help analyze this document, for speedy approval, because it has to be taken quickly to the development Partners meeting to be held later this week.
Nor have our people been given the opportunity to fully know what is contained in this document, because the so called public consultation that is said to have taken place last year through the sub-district capitals of the nation, was more like a political campaign, controlled and restricted as to who could attend and who could ask questions or air criticisms to Big Brother on the plan that Big Brother was presenting to them.
When it first began in Lautem and Baucau these sessions were open to all, but when it became evident that there was a great deal of interest by our people to attend and air their views on this plan and the de facto government’s governance, the “public consultations” in remaining districts were open only to people who enlisted prior to the meetings and listed the questions they were going to be asking. This was not a genuine public consultation by any measure of the concept.
This Plan purports to enhance national development until the year 2030. Then why not give the opportunity even for civil society to study it carefully and comment on it? Why not consult with the de facto opposition parties?
FRETILIN wants to remind all members of this house of their constitutional responsibility under article 92 of the Constitution to represent all of Timor-Leste’s citizens. We would like to remind all of you of our role as members of parliament to oversee the government’s governance proposals and execution or proposed execution of the people’s money. We are not here just to be a rubber stamp for any Big Brother who wants us to or to merely vote on individual or personal interests.
FRETILIN believes that a document of such importance should be seeking to open the path for equitable and just development for all our people, especially those of our very poorest people who are getting poorer every month. A document such as this deserves, in fact demands from us the obligation as the representatives of our people, to properly hold a dialogue with our people directly so as to establish their aspirations and views on what is proposed in this document that has been sent to this parliament.
FRETILIN will not sit by and allow this parliament to simply rubberstamp what has been publicly referred by some to as being simply the de facto Prime Minister’s dream.
It is for this reason that the FRETILIN parliamentary group demands that this proposed Strategic Development Plan be remitted to the respective parliamentary committees for their analysis and report back to the plenary with regard to the impact on the individual development sectors.
The FRETILIN parliamentary group is very certain that we must look at this document as the result of a human effort, and not as some have tended to view it, as an unalterable Sacred Biblical text. This document has many weaknesses that have already been identified by FRETILIN and others such as civil society, just on the cursory glance that time and other constraints have permitted. So, it is indispensable that the parliamentary committees sit down and look at the document carefully.
If other members want to proceed to vote on an approval of the resolution, they can do so, and FRETILIN will at a future point in time reveal precisely the mistake they have made in doing so, but FRETILIN will not partake in any such vote to approve this document. It will then be those who have approved it who will have to explain to our people why they have approved this document without properly analyzing it beforehand.
However, we will briefly point out some points that are of concern to us about this proposed Plan that members opposite are so keen to rubber stamp today.
Firstly, the proposed Plan is based on a number of false assumptions. Just one is that the Plan is too heavily based on the development of the petroleum industry. What will happen if no further substantial reserves of petroleum are discovered, reserves in the magnitude of Bayu-Undan or Greater Sunrise? What will happen if Greater Sunrise does not proceed? This indicates a tendency to rely far too much on revenues that are not yet assured.
However, the macro-economic data relied on in the plan are also out of date and have a tendency to mislead the real economic situation in the country, especially with regard to the exact rate of inflation and the precise dependence of our economy on oil and gas revenues.
Secondly. The plan does not place a sufficient emphasis on job creation especially for our burgeoning numbers of unemployed youth. In 2023 we will likely have more than 30,000 school leavers joining the job market annually. This proposed plan has no concrete plan for how these jobs can be created, because the types of infrastructure projects being planned will not generate anywhere near the necessary jobs. We have already seen this from the current types of infrastructure investment programs being implemented such as the heavy fuel electrification project.
What we have seen is mostly foreign workers being imported to do the job. How will we ever reverse this trend if the proposed plan seeks to head in the same direction with the same development formula?
The FRETILIN parliamentary group can also see clearly in this plan that the people in our remote mountain communities, such as Ainaro, Aileu and Manatuto, and others, will not benefit substantively from this proposed plan. It is as if they have been taken out the development equation.
FRETILIN will point out in greater detail why we believe that these remote mountain communities have been denied a part in this development plan, but we will not do that today.
Suffice to say that any national development plan should have our people at its centre, at its core, not to the periphery of the process, away from participating in the decision making process, becoming just pawns in someone else’s plan to be moved around as desired. It is clear that, despite mouthing platitudes on the needs of our people, this proposed plan actually removes our people from the core of the process. It will have, if implemented the effect of marginalizing and alienating them from the development process, especially when we consider the lack of attention given to development of the agricultural sector.
There is ample evidence throughout the world that shows that countries that are rich in oil and gas, should be seeking development plans and programs that will give it a way out of dependency on these resources. However, this proposed plan would make us more dependent on these resources. There is no focused alternative credible economic development plan being proposed in this document. What everyone that is informed is asking is “what will happen when the oil and gas runs out in 20-30 years or less?” What will happen also if oil and gas prices plummet?
Of more serious concern is that this proposed plan only cursorily refers to the de facto government’s plans to borrow money and nationally indebt us in the process of implementing this plan. What sort of plan fails to even address the issue of how the proposed debts are to be paid? This too we will debate in this house in greater detail one day soon.
We have all heard in the media comments as to whose “dreams” this proposed plan represents. Some say it represents the de facto Prime Minister’s “dreams”, whereas others say it represents our peoples’ “dreams”. However, FRETILIN is very certain that it represents the dreams of foreigners, because this plan will open the way for those foreigners with a slight of hand and a quick hand to take away our peoples’ money; given what the de facto Finance Minister herself told this parliament late last year, that from every dollar invested into the economy, seventy cents flows straight out because of our heavy reliance on exports. This is the basic problem with this proposed strategic development plan, for whom is it strategic? FRETILIN has no doubt that it is strategic for everyone except for our peoples’ and nation’s development.
FRETILIN is extremely conscientious that our country needs a National Development Plan, but one that reflects our peoples’ aspirations as to how development should occur, and one that should be inclusive and sustainable for the long term.
From our point of view the government should have written and delivered a strategic development plan that was an integrated package inclusive of policy strategies, strategic sectoral plans and a detailed guide to implementing these. In our view what it should have done was to establish what has to be done to achieve our peoples’ collective vision between now and 2030.
FRETILIN accepts and assumes that all of our people have aspirations to have poverty reduced, have investment in sound infrastructure that promotes equitable economic growth, access to quality education, access to health and improved living conditions for all, but FRETILIN questions the means in which this proposed plan seeks to convert these aspirations into a plan to achieve them. In essence the content of this proposed plan raises more questions than provides answers for our peoples’ preoccupations on development.
Mr. President.
Finally, FRETILIN requests that this Strategic Development Plan be submitted to the normal parliamentary proceedings according to article 100 of the Parliament’s Standing Orders to enable parliament to also hold adequate and board public consultations to ascertain what our peoples’ aspirations are, including the following sectors of society:
• All political parties
• Civil society, including church and religious confessions
• Development partners
• Timorese academics and development advocates
• Civil servants who will have to implement the plan
• Others
Such a broad public consultation will be essential so that the strategic development plan can attain the greatest possible national consensus and legitimacy, and so that it can secure all our participation and solidarity when it is implemented in future.
11 Julhu 2011
Iha tinan 2007 bainhira ita hotu halibur iha uma fukun ida nee ita foin rona katak governu de facto ida nee sei halo actualizasaun ba Planu Desenvolvimentu Nasional neebe halo konsulta publika nasional naruk iha tinan 2001-2002 neebe rona ema liu ruhun tolunulu resin. Besik tinan haat liu ona mak ita foin hare dokumentu ida ho naran Planu Estrategiku Desenvolvimentu Nasional iha semana liu ba.
Molok deputados sira hetan dokumentu nee, ita hotu bele asesu deit esbosu ida, neebe hakerek ho lian Ingles.
Dokumentu nee lori tinan haat, custa osan liu dollar Amerikanu jutah tolu virgula tolu neebe usa selu konsultante privadu husi Indonesia, maibe deputados sira hetan versaun final semana ida deit atu bele halo revisaun.
La iha ema ida neebe duvida katak ita nudar povo no nasaun presiza duni planu desenvolvimentu. Bancada FRETILIN mak kuaze semanan semanan iha nee fo hanoin ba maluk sira katak ita presiza ukun ho planu, ho programa, laos ho inventa deit ka mehi deit hanesan halo tiha iha tinna haat neebe governasaun de facto ida nee halau tiha ona.
Depois de selu dollar jutah ba jutah no tinan haat ba assesores no consultantes oioin, dudu lalais mai parlamentu nasional ba deputado sira neebe assesoria no konsultaria la iha atu hare lalais, aprova lalais, tamba tenke lori lalais ba Encontro Parseirus Desenvolvimentu neebe sei realisa iha semana nee nia laran.
Povo mos seidauk hatene lolos, tamba kampanha politika neebe halo iha sub-distritu hirak nakonu ho controlles kona ba se mak bele partisipa hodi bele husu perguntas no halo kritikas ba porgrama neebe Maun Bot ba apresenta ba sira. Hahu iha Baucau no Lospalos husik ema hotu atu bele husu tuir sira nia hakarak……maibe too ba distritu seluk tuir mai, sira neebe tau naran uluk deit no hakerek pergunta neebe atu husu mak bele. Nee mak konsulta publika ka.
Planu nee temik atu halau desenvolvimentu too tinan 2030. Entaun tamba sa mak la fo oportunidade ba sosiedade sivil atu halo estudu no komentariu ho diak? La halo konsulta ho partidus opozisaun de facto?
Bancada FRETILIN hakarak fo hanoin ba deputado sira hotu ita nia knaar tuir artigu 92 Constituisaun nian. Its nia knaar nudar deputados mak atu representa Timor oan hotu, no ita nia knaar atu fiskaliza governu ninia governasaun no ezekuasaun orsamentu. Laos atu halo deit tuir Maun Bot se se deit nia hakarak ka atu hare deit ba saida mak atu benefisia ita individualmente no pessoalmente.
Bancada FRETILIN hanoin katak doucmentu ida neebe importante tebes atu buka dalan neebe diak atu halau desenvolvimentu equitavel, ho justu, ba ita nia povo tomak, liliu sira neebe kiak liu no neebe fulan ba fulan sai kiak liu. Dokumentu ida hanesan ida nee merese duni, obriga duni ita nudar povo nia representante hodi tun ba base koalia ho povo rasik saida mak sira konkorda ka la konkorda kona ba dokumentu ida neebe foin haruka mai ita. Maibe bancada FRETILIN lakoi no sei la husik parlamentu ida nee sai karimbu ba Primeiru Ministru de facto ida nee nia mehi.
Tamba nee mak bancada FRETILIN ezigi katak PEDN baixa ba Kommissaun parlamentu nian hodi ida idak halo sira nia analisis no hatoo sira nia hanoin iha relatoriu kona ba impkatu iha sector idaidak. Bancada FRETILIN iha certeza tomak katak dokumentu nee ita tenke hare hanesan resultadu servisu ema nian, labele iha tendensia tau hare hanesan Biblia Sagrada, maske balun iha duni tendensia atu konsidera nunee duni. Dokumentu nee iha falhansu barak neebe bancada FRETILIn no ema seluk identifika tiha ona. Lolos komissaun sira mak tur hare no halo rekomendasaun.
Se deputado seluk harakak sira bele aprova, no bancada FRETILIn pelo menus sei ba divulga saida mak la los, se la partisipa iha votasaun ida neebe precepitada liu ba resolsuasaun ka saida tan, no tuir mai mak sei divulga ba se mak hakarak vota lalais saida mak sira halo neebe la los, Depois imi mak hatan ba povo kona ba tamba sa mak aporva sem halo estudu didiak nudar sira nia representativu.
Maibe bancada FRETILIN hakarak temik buat balun hodi halo ita hotu hanoin tamba sa mak ita labele tau karimbu lalais deit.
Primeiru iha hanoin balun neebe planu nee basea ba, neebe la los. Ida deit mak ida nee. Planu nee baseadu todan liu ba industria mina rai no gas. Saida mak sei akontese se ita la hetan gas ka mina rai bot hanesan Bayu-Undan ka Greater Sunrise? Saida mak akontese se buat ruma akontese ba Greater Sunrise? Nee hatudu tendensia atu depende deit ba osan neebe seidauk tama.
Maibe dadus macro-economiku neebe iha relatoriu la los ona, ultrapassado ona no iha tendensia atu habosok ita kona ba inflasaun no ita nia ekonomia nia dependensia ba osan husi mina rai no gas.
Segundu mak nee. Planu saida mak la konsidera oinsa atu harii kampu servisu foun liliu ba jovem sira? Iha tinan 2023 ita bele iha joven 30,000 neebe atu sai husi eskola no buka servisu. Planu nee la iha porgrama concreto atu harii kampu servisu ba sira tamba investimentu neebe atu halo ba infraestruturas sei la harii kampu servisu barak. Ida nee ita hare tiha ona husi programa oleo pesado neebe halau too agora muda fali ba oleo seluk no rede eletrifikasaun. Ita hare ema husi liur mak mai servisu barak liu. Situasaun nee oinsa mak atu muda se la iha program concreto?
Bancada FRETILIN mos hare katak ita nia ema iha foho la iha fatin iha planu ida nee, liliu iha Ainaro no Aileu no Manatuto foho. Interior hanesan la iha fatin atu partisipa iha desnevolvimentu ida nee.
Bancada FRETILIN sei hatudu momos tamba sa mak planu ida nee nega povo foho, maibe laos ohin.
Lolos planu ida iha ema, povo iha nia klaran, laos iha nia sorin dok husi prosesu, dok husi partisipasaun iha desizaun, em vex de sai deit ema se se deit nia alat atu muda tun sae. Nee mak klaru liu, katak planu ida nee koalia barak kona ba povo maibe la tau povo iha prosesu nee nia klaran, hadok nia fali. Se bele mos halo alianasaun no marginalisa siar husi prosesu desenvolvimentu, liliu bainhira ita koalia kona ba agrikultura.
Iha ona evidensia barak iha mundu katak rain sira neebe iha mina rai no gas, diak liu sira porgrama atu sai husi industria ida nee. Maibe planu ida nee hatudu momos katak it abele sai fali vitima ba industria ida nee. La iha programa desenvolvimentu ekonomiku neebe kredivel iha planu ida nee, liliu ba industria seluk nebee it abele benefisia bainhira ita tama iha ASEAN. Visaun ba desenvolvimentu ekonomiku klot liu no la hatudu dalan atu ita bele sai husi dependensia husi mina rai no gas. Saida mak sei akontese iha tinan 20-30 bainhira gas ka mina rai la iha ona? Saida mak akontese se folin mina rai no gas monu makas tebes?
Ikus liu, planu ida nee temik kois deit kona ba tusan neebe governu iha planu hatama ita hotu iha laran. Planu ka programa atu selu ba osan barak neebe gasta nee atu halo nusa? Nee mos loron ruma ita sei bele diskuti ho ita nia povo klean no detalhadu liu tan.
Ita rona iha media buat barak kona ba planu ida nee hatudu se nia mehi. Balun dehan ida nee hatudu Sr PM de facto nia mehi, maibe balun dehan hatudu povo nia mehi. Maibe bancada FRETILIN seguru katak ida nee hatudu ema husi liur nia mehi tamba planu ida nee sei loke dalan atu ema husi liur mai lalais ho liman lais foti lalais povo nia osan; hanesan senhora ministra finansas de facto rasik hatete ba uma fukun ida nee, iha dollar ida neebe governu gasta, tujupulu sent mak ba liur tamba ita importa besik buat hotu husi liur. Problema ho PEDN nee estrategiku maibe estrategiku ba se? FRETILIN la fiar estrategiku ba povo nia desenvolvimentu.
Konciente konaba necesidade ita nian rain ba Plano Estrategico Desenvolvimento Nacional ida nebee reflecte ponto de vista no aspirações oinsa halao desenvolvimento ida nebee inklusivo sustentavel no dura ba tempu naruk.
Hanoin hakerek ona iha livro PED nebee governo de facto apresenta mai iha ne’e katak PED nudar pakote integrado ida nebee inklui politicas estrategicas, planos estrategicos rectoriais no guia de implementação.
Bancada FRETILIN simu aspirações povo tomak nian konaba oinsa hatun kiak, ho infrastruturas nebe diak no promove cresimento ekonomico ida jusro no kualidade educação, saude no moris diak ba sidadaun hotu-hotu maibe Bancada FRETILIN kestiona oinsa transforma aspirações hirak ne’e ba iha plano ida hanesan ne’e, no nia konteudo plano ida ne’e hamosu perguntas maka barak liu do que fo resposta ba preokupações ema hotu nian.
Sr. presidente
Ikus liu Bancada FRETILIN husu atu submete PED ida ne’e ba procedimento normal PN tuir artigo 100 Regimento Parlamento Nacional hodi halao mos consulta klean no alargado nudar egigencia liu husi
audensias publicas ho:
§ Partidos politicos sira hotu
§ Sosiedade civil, igreja no confisões religiosos
§ Doadores e parceiros desenvolvimento
§ Funcionarios publicos, Academicos Timorenses. No seluk tan.
Consulta hanesan ne’e inportante tebes atu nune’e iha PED ida ne’ebe consensual no hetan legitimidade bot liu, no ikus hodi asegura participação no solidaridade iha implementação iha future.
Sr Presidente Parlamento Nacional
Ilustres Deputados
Iha semana liu ba Deputadus Bancada FRETILIN no povo rona no lee iha jornais katak governu de facto RDTL nian depois de legaliza jogos hanesan “bola guling”, “kuru kuru” no seluk tan iha Agostu tinan 2010, nebee la hetan consulta publika ho grupos sosiais iha ita nia sosiedade, hanesan Igreja, partidus opozisaun no NGOs, Organisasaun Feto, agora tuir comunicado imprensa governu nian liu husi comunikasaun social hateten, Governu RDTL halo desizaun iha Konselhu Ministro hodi taka fatin jogos “Bola Guling” tanba tuir membrus governu “Bola Guling” kria fali problema social” no “nebee ita dehan katak, ba tempu naruk ladun diak, tanba nee ita taka.” Maibee tuir ami nia hanoin la kompletu tanba sei husik jogos balun loke nafatin, hanesan “kuru-kuru” no jogos seluk tan.
Ami mos duvida seriedade husi membru governu no nia
Funsionarius nebee responsavel atu implementa desizaun ida nee, tamba tuir informasaun nebee ami rona, iha interesse privadu nebee hamusu conflitu ho desizaun ida nee. Tamba nee maka ami hakarak atu revoga lei ida nee totalmente, no Parlamentu Nasional maka tenke halo lei foun ida kona ba regulariza jogos hirak nee, tamba nia impaktu social makas tebes ba familia sira no klean tebes ba tempo naruk iha ita nia sosieadade tomak.
Uluk kedas, bainhira Governu de facto aprova Decreto Lei ida nee, no bainhira Governu buka aprovasaun ba osan ida nee iha Orsamentu Geral Estado, Bancada FRETILIN deklara contra lei ida nee, tamba legaliza, em ves de controlla jogos hirak nee. Durante debate Orsamentu Rectificativu iha tinan 2010, Bancada FRETILIN deklara katak lolos lei ida nee Parlamentu maka tenke aprova, laos governu nia kompetensia atu aprova, maibee governu la rona. Iha Parlamento mos Deputados sira nebee apoiu governu, vota a favor hodi aprova orsamentu ba aktividade ida nee. Ami, tanba rekursu la too ami la lori kazu ida nee no kazu sira seluk ba Tribunal Rekursu. Maibe agora tempo too ona atu Governu hatudu nia seriedade politika atu hakotu problema nebee comprova tiha ona katak hamosu problema social husi existensia jogos hirak nee.
Bancada FRETILIN hakarak deklara katak ami sei fo oportunidade ba Governu atu hakotu jogos hotu nebee hetan legalisasaun iha fulan ida nia laran, se lae FRETILIN sei lori asaun mai iha Parlamentu Nasional hodi hakotu Decreto Lei ida nee nebee foo impaktu negativu ba familia sira iha ita nia sosiedade.
Iha semana kotuk mos, Komunikadu Imprensa ida mosu iha internet husi companhia jogos telemoveis husi Filipina naran “FilWeb”, Corporasaun nebee nia Presidente Dennis Valdes hateten katak iha loron 22 Junhu 2011, Governu RDTL fo licensa ba sira atu servisu hamutuk ho operador telekomonikasoens hodi loke jogos liu husi telemovel iha Timor-Leste. Companhia nia representante dehan sira sei fo naran “Mobile Osan Mean”.
Bancada FRETILIN hetan informasaun husi media, maibee ami duvida Deputados hotu iha Uma Fukun ida nee hatene, maske iha Deputado ida ka rua hatene kleur ona, no iha informasaun mos katak ita nia diplomata balu no funsionariu publiku nivel aas balu nebee apoia makas programa ida nee hodi hatama kompanhia ida nee iha ita nia rain hodi mai explora ita nia povo liu husi jogos hirak nee. Situasaun foun ida nee sei halo oan sira agora laos deit husu atu “haruka pulsa mai lae”, maibee ho programa ida nee sira mos sei ejiji mos, haruka “Osan Mean mai lai”.
Ba ami contrato jogos liu husi telemovel ida nee no problema jogos em geral, seriu tebes ba desenvolvimentu humanu iha ita nia sosiedade.
Sr Presidente
Jogo “Bola Guling” ho jogos seluk tan tama iha ita nia sosiedade iha tempu resistensia nebee konjuntura politika iha tempu neba tama ona iha pontu aas liu iha decade 90 post Massakre Santa Cruz, nebee hahu hetan partisipasaun maxima husi populasaun tomak ba resistensia klandestina liuliu jovens sira, tanba nee autoridade okupante Indonesio preokupadu ho situasaun foun ida nee sira hahu implementa politika alienasaun hodi buka desvia hodi distrai atensaun povu nian ba jogos, tanba nee ami kongratula desisaun Governu nian taka jogos sira nee, tanba see lae maka ita rasik maka iha tempu independensia ida nee hakarak halo politika alienasaun ba ita nia povu.
Ami deklara congratula ho governu tanba toma medidas kona ba “Bola Guling”, maibee ami hanoin katak nee la too, tanba ami la fiar jogos sira nee sei taka, no sira sei halo nafatin. Tanba impaktu nebee jogos sira nee sei halo ba familias sira, tanba osan nebee lolos gasta atu sosa aihaan ba familia, selu escola no ba nesesidade basikus seluk familia nian, ba fali joga hodi habokur ema gupo kiik ida deit. Ida nee FRETILIN labele concorda tamba ami nia kompromissu desde 74 atu LIBERTA NASAUN NO LIBERTA POVO, liliu liberta povu husi kiak. Existensia jogos sira nee sei la mai tulun povu Maubere atu liberta nia aan husi kiak, maibee kontrariu sei lori nia ba situasaun kiak rabat rai liu tan.
Bancada FRETILIN hein medidas firmes no desisaun nebee lolos husi Governu nebee agora mos concorda ho ponto de vista katak jogos sira nee iha impaktu