Media service of the FRETILIN party.
Servisu media partidu FRETILIN nian.


Deputadu Jose Teixeira
Tel. Mobile: +670 728 7080

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Presidente Timorense, Jose Ramos-Horta, ficou em silêncio depois de testemunhar a políciamagredir um jovem durante a competição internacional de pesca



Dili, 30 de janeiro de 2010

Presidente Timorense, Jose Ramos-Horta, ficou em silêncio depois de  testemunhar a políciamagredir um jovem durante a competição internacional de pesca

O deputado da Fretilin, membro da Comissão parlamentar de defesa, da segurança e dos Negócios Estrangeiros e ex-ministro, José Teixeira, questionou hoje a razao pela qual o presidente José Ramos-Horta não disse e não fez nada depois de testemunhar um ataque brutal efectuado pela polícia a um participante da competição de pesca promovida pelo presidente.

O Sr. Teixeira afirmou que o presidente Ramos-Horta assistiu a policia agredir violentamente o jovem Lhew Comacoshe, um estudante universitário de 27 anos e participante no Concurso Internacional de pesca (que decorreu no dia 27 de Novembro de 2009) mas permaneceu em silêncio, e so fez declaracoes depois dos deputados da FRETILIN terem levantado o incidente no parlamento, no incio desta semana, e a imprensa ter começado a questionar sobre o assunto.

Senhor Comacoshe, um participante da competição de pesca, que atraiu candidatos de Austrália e Ásia, foi golpeado com murros, chutes e coronhada de uma espingarda, numa praia na Ilha de Ataúro, 25 kms ao largo da costa da capital Díli, à vista de centenas de pessoas. O filme do assalto que aconteceu logo apos a abertura oficial da competicao, pelo presidente Ramos-Horta, encontra-se na internet e pode ser acessado pelo link: YouTube -

Sr. Teixeira, afirmou que Comacoshe aparentemente foi espancado por estar a
segurar um cartaz no qual estava escrito: "Pesca Grupo De Suco Maunroni, sub-distrito de Ataúro, distrito de Dili", a identificação> de onde o grupo de concorrentes originavam e que ele pretendia colocar em seu barco, mas a polícia virou-se contra ele, sem qualquer explicação, e forçosamente retirou de sua posse, e seguidamente assaltaram-no.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que a polícia foi perseguindo Comacoshe e sua família por terem tido a coragem  de denunciar o incidente ao Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça, a Procuradora-Geral e ao Parlamento.
"O assalto ao Sr. Comacoshe reflecte, parcialmente, uma atitude muito autoritaria e militarista introduzidas pelo novo comandante da polícia, Longuinhos Monteiro, que aparece empenhado em criar um ‘exército sombra’," Sr. Teixeira declarou.

Presidente Ramos-Horta teria dito ao jornal Timorense Jornal Diário Nacional, a 29 de janeiro: "Este pobre timorense, estava simplesmente a segurar um cartaz, eu vi a polícia bate-lo, mas porque estava longe eu não entendia o que se estava a acontecer. Depois fiquei a saber que ele estava a segurar um cartaz, e eu pensei que se fosse so um cartaz, deveria deixá-lo fazer isso, não há necessidade de batê-lo só porque ele estava apenas segurando um cartaz ".
O Sr. Teixeira disse que o presidente não deveria ter permanecido em silêncio sobre o incidente, especialmente desde que o Sr. Comacoshe, entregou pessoalmente uma denúncia por escrito ao gabinete do presidente, a 17 de dezembro do ano passado, e posteriormente, a 23 de Dezembro último, o seu irmão entregou uma cópia do vídeo no Gabinete do Presidente, em seu nome.

"Em um aparente acto de vingança por ter a ousadia de apresentar uma queixa, a polícia em 13 de Janeiro despejou Comacoshe e sua familia de uma casa estatal onde viviam ha cerca de seis anos. Sem alguma notificação formal do governo - o chefe da aldeia e a polícia apareceeram e deitaram os seus pertences para fora da casa, depois de ter ameaçado os ocupantes com armas carregadas.
"Se o presidente Ramos-Horta tivesse feito alguma declaração mais cedo talves isso poderia ter evitado represálias contra Comacoshe e sua família, mas o Presidente, obviamente, não queria estragar o brilho na comunicao social, gerada pelo concurso de pesca internacional organizada por seu gabinete. Muitas pessoas, incluindo a vitima, tem--me perguntado, 'É isso que significa ser um presidenteos pobres e dos fracos, como ele alega amplamente?’ Eu tenho que fazer a mesma pergunta."
O Sr. Teixeira disse que a família do Sr. Comacoshe foi forçada a procurar refúgio em Dili e ainda não receberam qualquer assistência do governo.
"As queixas de brutalidade policial estão acontecendo com uma freqüência e em uma escala sem precedentes. Temos agora cidadãos a apresentar queixas quase todos os dias. Nas últimas duas semanas, recebemos denúncias sobre policiais envolvendo-se com grupos de artes marciais e usando violência contra seus rivais.
"No ano passado em Uatolari, distrito de Viqueque, a polícia alegadamente agrediu e torturou um número de rapazes. A 28 de Dezembro de 2009  a policia baleou e matou um jovem desarmado durante uma festa em Dili.
"Há algo de muito errado com a maneira que os polícias estão sendo treinados e comandados. A comunicacao social nacional relatou, a 27 de janeiro, que o novo comandante da polícia, Longuinhos Monteiro, declarou, em relação a supostas actividades delitivas recentemente realizado nos distritos fronteiriços por grupos de mascarados conhecidos como ninjas, que 'Qualquer Ninjas que nao se renda, tera como sua última paragem será cemitério Santa Cruz '.”

Vestido no estilo militar, usando luvas pretas, carregando uma arma automática e totalmente equipado com colete de campo de batalha Monteiro está conduzindo pessoalmente a operação de busca e prisão destes alegados ninjas. No ano passado, ele criou uma unidade especial da polícia, fortemente armados, chamado ‘Batalhão de Ordem pública’ e tentou entrar em um contrato para a aquisição de centenas de outras armas automáticas.

"O governo diz que tem uma politica de 'policiamento comunitário', mas   na realidade é tudo sobre o uso da força, força, força, contando com armas, armas, armas. Nós já temos um exército, não precisamos de um exército de sombra. Temos muitos compatriotas policiais profissionais e dedicados que se sentem da mesma forma que nós e pediram-nos para sermos as suas vozes para mudar a direção do policiamento neste país, por que querem simplesmente servir as suas comunidades com orgulho e profissionalismo, e merecem o nosso apoio ", disse Teixeira.

O deputado informou que a FRETILIN se prepara para apresentar uma proposta para a formacao de uma Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito sobre a actuação da polícia nos últimos dois anos, para averiguar se houve violação das leis e que possa servir para melhorar a formação policial e controles legais   de formar a criar um policiamento comunitário mais amigável.
Para mais informações contactar José Teixeira em 670 728 7080

Saturday, January 30, 2010

FRETILIN.Media Release: Timor President silent after witnessing police bashing during international fishing competition



Dili, 30 January 2009

Timor President silent after witnessing police bashing during international fishing competition

FRETILIN MP, member of the parliamentary defence, security and foreign affairs committee and former government minister Jose Teixeira today questioned why President Jose Ramos-Horta said and did nothing after witnessing an unprovoked brutal police assault on a contestant in a fishing competition promoted by the president.

Mr Teixeira said President Ramos-Horta saw police assault Mr Lhew Comacoshe, a 27 year old university student taking part in Timor Leste's inaugural International Fishing Competition on 27 November 2009, but remained silent until after FRETILIN MPs raised the incident in parliament this week and the media began asking questions.

Mr Comacoshe, a participant in the fishing competition, which attracted entrants from Australia and Asia, was punched, kicked and bashed with a rifle butt on a beach on Atauro Island, 25 kms off the coast of the capital Dili, in full view of hundreds of people.

Film of the assault which happened soon after President Ramos-Horta officially opened the competition has been posted on YouTube -

Mr Teixeira said Mr Comacoshe was apparently beaten because he held up a placard on which was written, “Fishing Group From Suco Maunroni, Sub-District of Atauro, District of Dili”, identifying from where his group of competitors were and which he intended to affix to their boat, but the police took objection to it without any explanation, and forcibly removed from his possession, afterwards assaulting him.  

Mr Teixeira said police were now persecuting Mr Comacoshe and his family for daring to report the incident to the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, the Attorney General and parliament.

"The assault on Mr Comacoshe partly reflects the gung-ho and very militaristic attitude introduced by the new police commander Longuinhos Monteiro, who appears bent on creating a 'shadow army'," Mr Teixeira said.

President Ramos-Horta reportedly told the Dili daily, Jornal Diario Nacional on January 29: "This poor Timorese fellow, was merely holding up a placard, I saw the police beat him but because it was far away I did not understand what was happening. Afterwards I heard that he was holding up a placard, I thought if it was a placard then let him do it, there is no need to beat him just because he was only holding up a placard."

Mr Teixeira said the president should not have remained silent about the incident, especially since Mr Comacoshe, personally delivered a written complaint regarding the incident to the President's office on 17 December last year, and then subsequently, on 23 December last his brother delivered a copy of the video to the President’s Office on his behalf.

"In an apparent act of revenge for having the temerity to lodge a complaint, police on 13 January evicted Comacoshe's law-abiding family from a state owned house they had lived in for six years. There was no formal notification from the government - the village chief and police turned up and threw their belongings out the door, after having threatened him with loaded weapons.

"If president Ramos-Horta had spoken up earlier it might have avoided reprisals against Comacoshe and his family, but the President obviously did not want to spoil the media glow generated by the international fishing competition organized by his office.  Many people, the victim included have asked me, ‘Is this what it means to be a President for the for the poor and the weak, as he claims widely?’ I have to ask the same question."

Mr Teixeira said Mr Comacoshe's family had now sought refuge in Dili and have yet to receive any assistance from the government.

"Complaints of police brutality are happening with an unprecedented frequency and on an unprecedented scale. We have citizens making complaints almost every day now. In the past two weeks we received complaints about police joining in with martial arts groups and using violence against their rivals.

"Late last year in Uatolari, Viqueque district, police allegedly assaulted and tortured a number of young men. On 28 December 2009 police shot and killed an unarmed young musician at a party in Dili.

"There is something very wrong with the way police are being trained and commanded. Local media on January 27 reported the new police commander Longuinhos Monteiro as saying in regard to alleged criminal activity recently carried out in border districts by masked groups known as ninjas, 'Any Ninjas who want to take us on, your final stop will be Santacruz' cemetery.'

"Dressed in military style fatigues, wearing black gloves, carrying an automatic rifle and fully equipped with field battle vest Monteiro is personally leading the operation to search and arrest these alleged ninjas. Last year he established a special heavily armed police unit named the 'Public Order Battalion' and late last year attempted to enter into a contract to acquire hundreds of additional automatic rifles.

"The government pays lip service to 'community policing' but it is all about the use of force, force, force, relying on weapons, weapons, weapons. We already have an army, we do not need a shadow army.  We have many professional and dedicated policemen and women who feel the same way we do and have asked us to speak up for them to change the direction of policing in this country.  They want to serve their communities with pride and professionalism, and deserve our support," Mr Teixeira said.

He said FRETILIN was preparing to table the terms of reference for a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into police action over the last two years to establish whether there have been breaches of the law and what can be done in terms of improving police training and legal controls to make policing more community friendly and respecting of human rights.

For further information contact Jose Teixeira on +670 728 7080

Friday, January 29, 2010

Kominukadu: Acordu halau importasaun ai-ha'an tenke divulga ba publiku



Dili, 29 Janeiru, 2010

Acordu halau importasaun ai-ha'an tenke divulga ba publiku

Detalhas kona ba kontratu importasaun ai fuan no modo husi Xina mai Timor-Leste, neebe hamosu polemica boot, tenke fo sai ba publiku tamba iha potensialidade atu fo desvantagem ba pordutores nasional, Eis Ministru Agricultura no Eis Primeiru Ministru Estanislau da Silva dehan ohin iha Dili.

Deputadu nee husi partidu boot liu no historiku FRETILIN, dehan katak kompanhia Sino Green Land deklara iha sira nia komunikadu ba imprensa neebe lansa internasionalmente iha 11 Janeiru 2010 katak sira selebra akordu ho “representantes locais iha Timor-Leste” neebe “iha ligasaun makas ho governo no iha rekursu neebe bele fo vantagem baa mi atu tama too klean iha merkadu local.”

Sr Da Silva dehan anunsiu nee husi kompanhia hautudu katak governu Timor-Leste nian fo duni apoiu ba akordu neebe selebra husi Sr Anson Fong, Presidenti Sino Green land no Sr Ted Lay, empresariu Timor oan ida neebe besik liu governu de facto Xanana Gusmao nian.  Negosiu nee hetan kritika makas husi opozisaun no ONG oioin tamba sira preokupa negosiu nee sei impata makas dezenvolvimentu setor agricultura iha Timor-Leste. 

Governu hatan iha nia komunikadu ba imprensa iha loron 14 Janeiru 2010, tuir neebe sira reklama katak: “Governu hakfodak ho deklarasoens iha imprensa neebe fahe ba mundu husi kompanhia naran Sino Green Land. La iha membru governu ida neebe autoriza, ajuda, apoia, ka aprova akordu kooperasaun entre Sino Green Land ho representantes locais.”

Maibe Sr Da Silva dehan katak delegasaun ida neebe kompostu ema nain hitu husi Sino Green Land no “China Green Food Association”, neebe lidera husi Sr Luo Xiong, halau visita ba Timor-Leste entre 14 to’o 18 Novembru 2009, hatan ba konvite ida husi Sr Antonio Maria Hung, neebe assessor especial ba Primeiru Ministru kona ba assuntus dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku.

Sr Da Silva dehan katak: “delgasaun nee nia atividades iha Dili hamosu duvidas seriu kona ba lialos iha deklarasaun iha governu de facto nia komunikadu neebe nega katak governu envolve iha negosiu nee.”

Nia dehan katak delegasaun hasoru malu dalan rua ho Secretariu Estadu Eduardo de Carvalho iha Ministeriu Agricultura, ho Vice Presidente Parlamentu nain rua, Sr Vicente Guterres no Sra Maria Paixao.  Sira hasoru malu mos ho ema boot iha administrasaun publiku hanesan: Sr Fernando Hi da Silva neebe diretor ba Ministru Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu nian; Diretora Geral Ministeriu Turismu, Comersiu no Industria nian, Sra Manuela Corte Real; Sr Noel Carvalho, Diretor Tradeinvest Timor-Leste nian; no Sr Paulo Remedios, assessor juridiku Presidente Republika nian.

“Se ita hare ba Sino Green Land nia enkontrus no diskussaun barak ho governu nia ema no tuir mai hetan akordu ho empresariu ida neebe besik liu governu, ita tenke duvida makas bainhira ita rona governu nega katak sira envolvidu iha negosiu ida nee.”

Da Silva dehan nia fiar katak investimentu no promosaun ba produtu agrikultura local atu bele halo sustituisaun ba importasaun tenke prioridade ba governu iha Timor-Leste nian.  Fatin barak iha foho iha Timor-Leste iha condisaun climatica neebe furak tebes atu halo produsaun ba produtus hanesan ai fuan no modo oioin.

“Governu de facto nee koalia barbarak kona ba poromosaun produtu agrikultura local maibe iha pratika sira oho fali produtor local hare nian hodi importasaun fos ho subsidiu boot neebe hatam osan barak iha sira nia maluk crony sira nia bolus,” Da Silva deklara.

Da Silva dehan katak nia sei kanaliza kazus negosiu Sino Green Land nee ba Kommisaun relevante iha parlamentu nasional hanesan kommisaun agrikultura no mos kommisaun ekonomia no finansas atu halo investigasaun no atu responsabiliza governu tamba hamosu konfuzaun boot ba setor komersiu no investimentu iha Timor-Leste neebe tenke halo klaru no hadiak.  

Ba informasaun tan contacta ba Deputadu Estanislau da Silva: +670 733 5062

Comunicado a Imprensa: Acordo para importação de produtos agricolas deve ser tornada pública

Comunicado a Imprensa

Dili, 29 de janeiro de 2010

Acordo para importação de produtos agricolas deve ser tornada pública

Os termos de um negócio controverso de importar frutas e verduras chinêsas para Timor-Leste deve ser tornada pública dado o seu potencial de prejudicar os agricultores nacionais, o ex-ministro da Agricultura e ex-primeiro-ministro Estanislau da Silva disse hoje em Díli.

O Sr. Da Silva, um senior deputado da FRETILIN, o partido mais votado no Parlamento Nacional, disse que estava alarmado com o comunicado a imprensa lançado pela empresa chinesa Sino Green Land em 11 de janeiro de 2010, que tinha chegado a acordo com os "representantes locais em Timor Leste", que "tem relações próximas ao governo e os recursos que darão apoio a nossa penetração no mercado local."

O Sr Da Silva disse que o anúncio implícito o apoio do governo de Timor Leste para que o acordo assinado pelo Sr. Anson Fong, Presidente do Sino Land Green e o Sr Ted Lay, um empresário timorense ligado ao governo de facto de Xanana Gusmão. O acordo em causa foi criticado pela oposição e varios grupos da sociedade civil porque vai prejudicar o desenvolvimento do setor agrícola emergente mas promissor do país.

O governo respondeu com um comunicado a imprensa em 14 de janeiro de 2010, alegando que: "O Governo ficou perplexo com uma declaração recente distribuídos globalmente a media por uma empresa chamada Sino Green Land. Nenhum membro do Governo aprovou, ajudou, apoiou, ou aprovou um acordo de cooperação com Sino Green Land em conjunto com representantes locais. "

No entanto o Sr. Da Silva, disse que uma delegação official composto de  sete pessoas de Sino Green Land e 'Verde China Food Association', chefiada pelo Sr. Luo Xiong visitou Timor-Leste, a convite do Sr. Antonio Maria Hung, Assessor Especial para assuntos de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Primeiro Ministro, entre 14 e 18 de Novembro de 2009.

O Sr Da Silva disse: "As atividades da delegação em Díli levantam sérias dúvidas sobre a veracidade dos meios de comunicado a imprensa lançado pelo governo de facto negando o envolvimento do governo."

Ele disse que a delegação se reuniu duas vezes com o Ministério da Agricultura, incluindo o Secretário de Estado das Pescas, o Sr. Eduardo de Carvalho, e com os dois vice-presidentes do Parlamento, Vicente Guterres e Maria Paixão. Ele também se reuniu com altos funcionários públicos, incluindo: Sr. Fernando da Silva, diretor do Ministro de Desenvolvimento Econômico João Gonçalves, o director-geral do Ministério do Turismo, Comércio e Indústria, Manuela Corte Real; Noel Carvalho, o chefe do departamento de aprovação de Comércio e do Investimento, o TradeInvest Timor-Leste, e Sr. Paulo Remédios, um assessor jurídico no Gabinete do Presidente da República.

"À luz das amplas discusses entre Sino Green Land's com o governo e posterior com um empresário favorecido do governo, a recusa do governo de qualquer envolvimento parece altamente duvidosa".

O Sr Da Silva disse que a FRETILIN considera que o investimento e a promoção da produção agrícola nacional para permitir a substituição de importações deve ser uma prioridade de governo. As áreas montanhosas de Timor-Leste e os seus respectivos microclimas são muito adequadas para a produção de uma grande variedade de produtos hortícolas.

"A administração de Gusmão proclama a promoção da agricultura nacional, mas na prática tem sido matando os nossos produtores de arroz interno com importações de arroz fortemente subsidiado pelo, que tem sido principalmente para encher os bolsos de seus companheiros."

O Sr Da Silva disse que iria submeter o acordo do Sino Green Land à comissão parlamentar para agricultura, bem como a comissão responsável pelo comércio e investimento, para investigar e responsabilizar o governo pelo que ele chamou de "este fiasco a afectar o comércio e investimento em Timor-Leste."

Para mais informações entre em contato com Estanislau da Silva on +670 733 5062

MEDIA RELEASE: Food import deal must be made public



Dili, January 29, 2010

Food import deal must be made public

The terms of a controversial business deal to import Chinese fruit and vegetables into Timor-Leste should be made public given its potential to disadvantage local farmers, former Minister for Agriculture and Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva said in Dili today.

Mr Da Silva, a senior MP in FRETILIN, the largest voting bloc in parliament, said he was alarmed by the Chinese company Sino Green Land's media release on January 11, 2010, that it had reached agreement with "local representatives in East Timor" who "have close government relationships and resources that will support our penetration of the local market."

Mr Da Silva said the announcement implied Timor Leste government support for the agreement signed by Mr Anson Fong, President of Sino Green Land and Mr Ted Lay, a Timorese businessman connected to the de facto Gusmao government. The deal drew wide criticism from Opposition and civil society groups concerned it would hamper the development of the country's emerging but promising agricultural sector.

The government responded with a media release on 14 January 2010 claiming that: "The Government was perplexed by a recent media statement distributed globally by a company called Sino Green Land. No member of the Government endorsed, aided, supported, or approved any cooperative agreement with Sino Green Land in tandem with local representatives."

However Mr Da Silva said that an official seven-person delegation from Sino Green Land and 'China Green Food Association' led by Mr Luo Xiong visited Timor-Leste at the invitation of Mr Antonio Maria Hung, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Economic Development Issues, between 14 and 18 November 2009.

Mr Da Silva said: "the delegation's activities in Dili raise serious doubts about the veracity of the de facto government's media release denying government involvement."

He said the delegation met twice with the Ministry of Agriculture including Secretary of State for Fisheries, Mr Eduardo de Carvalho, and with the two Vice Presidents of Parliament, Mr Vicente Guterres and Ms Maria Paixao.  It also met senior public servants including:  Mr Fernando Hi da Silva, director to the Minister for Economic Development Joao Goncalves; the Director General of the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry, Ms Manuela Corte Real; Mr Noel Carvalho, the Head of Timor-Leste's Trade and Investment approval body, Tradeinvest Timor-Leste; and Mr Paulo Remedios, a legal advisor in the Office of the President of the Republic.

"In light of Sino Green Land's extensive discussions with government and subsequent deal with a government-favoured businessman, the government's denial of any involvement looks highly dubious."

Mr Da Silva said FRETILIN believes that investment and promotion of local agriculture production to enable import substitution should be a top priority of government. The highland areas of East Timor and its respective microclimate are very suitable for farming a wide variety of horticultural products.

"The Gusmao administration pays lip service to promotion of local agriculture but in practice has been killing our domestic rice producers with heavily state subsidized rice imports which line the pockets of its cronies."

Mr Da Silva said he would refer the Sino Green Land agreement to the parliamentary agriculture committee as well as the committee responsible for trade and investment, to investigate and hold the government accountable for what he termed "this damaging trade and investment fiasco".

For further information please contact Estanislau da Silva on +670 733 5062

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FRETILIN.Media Flash: President Horta Asks PM to Reshuffle the AMP Government

Dili, 27.01.2010 : 1643 hours 

"President Horta Asks PM to Reshuffle the AMP Government'

A translation of an interview by the Dili daily newspaper, Jornal Diario Nacional dated 26 January 2009 with President Ramos-Horta follows, in which he repeats his concerns about the level of corruption with the current de facto government and its impact on Timor-Leste internationally.  

The calls for a reshuffle of the government are astonishing in the eyes of many, given his recent contradictory expressions of support for the de facto government despite widespread and persistent evidence of their corruption and ill-governance.

A reshuffle has been mooted by Mr. Gusmao for more than a year now, and speculation has it that he has been unable to do so because of the precarious balance of the so called alliance, due to internal inter-party bickering and because a number of parties comprising the alliance that have publicly known bitter internal disputes and rivalries that would prevent them on ever agreeing on replacements or changes.  Some have even splintered into new parties in the last two and a half years.

The fact is that the de facto government is rife with corruption and has governed ineffectively and wastefully, and although a reshuffle is unlikely to change this unfortunate direction the country is heading in, equally, this uncertainty resulting from the President's widely reported remarks must end soon for the good of our nation.

Jose Teixeira MP 

Jornal Diario Nacional, 26 January 2010 


The President of the Republic (PR), Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, asked the Prime Minister (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to reshuffle the government of the Majority Parliamentary Alliance (AMP) block, because the time has come.

PR Horta said, he does not want a nation whose name is dirty in the international world due to corruption, and so for this year he wants to see cleaning of the dirt that is there.

“I, as President of the Republic of this nation, I do not want to be ashamed in the international community that I am President of a state, a nation where corruption is rampant, as that dirties all of our names, especially the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister,” stated PR Horta to journalists, Monday (25/01), at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, Bairo-Pite, Dili, right after meeting with national and international business people.

The Head of State said, what he had told the Prime Minister, he does not want to say in public especially to the media but it is a normal concern that he has.  More than two years have passed and the Prime Minister can already think to reshuffle the AMP government.

Look to see if a minister is really serving the nation or not, serving the government, truly grasping governance within his or her ministry or not, or is it better to change one minister for another,” suggested PR Horta.
However, PR Horta emphasized to the journalists that the power is in the Prime Minister’s hands.

“I give him 100%, what he does I agree with and I support him, if there is something I don’t agree with I tell him but personally I can’t speak out because the power is in his hands to put in or remove people from the government,” said PR Horta.

PR Horta stated, he has heard the opinions from the population and the international community and he himself has given his opinion to the Prime Minister, but it depends on the Prime Minister to choose to follow or not.  “It does not mean that what I have to say is right.  I can have my idea, also the Prime Minister is older than me and has more experience and is very intelligent.  For this reason what I say, doesn’t mean the Prime Minister has to follow,” stressed PR Horta.

PR Horta said, this year he has already met with the PM and all members of government to improve even more governance, that budget execution must be better, and they must clean Timor’s name and the government’s name of corruption.

“Concretely involved (in corruption), that I can’t say because I am not the Prosecutor General, I am not the Provedor for Justice and Human Rights.  I can speculate because I do not have proof.  If I did have strong proof in hand and I saw the Prime Minister didn’t do anything, then I could speak, but at this time I do not have proof, I hear only people talking, talk that could be right, but we don’t know,” stated the Head of State. (Ends)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doubts Continue on "Sino Green Land to Supply Green Foods Cooperative Agreement with TL"

Dear Readers,
The release from Sino Green Land Company below arouses different questions on this “agreement” that the government has gone to great lengths to deny.  
It reads: 
"After extensive discussion and a thorough examination of our operations and facilities, we are pleased to announce this cooperation agreement with local representatives in East Timor to supply high quality fruits, vegetables and green foods to the country. These local representatives have close government relationships and resources that will support our penetration of the local market."
Please note the phrase: "these local representatives have close government relationships and resources that will support our penetration of the local market." Which representatives?  What type of close government relationships? What resources?  As for "support our penetration" that is code for, everyone is taken care of to ensure we get preferential treatment.
There is still  more to be explained here, and only the company can do that, or anyone else with more details on this issue.
Jose Teixeira MP
RDTL National Parliament

Sino Green Land to Supply Green Foods to East Timor Through Cooperative Agreement
NEW YORK, NY and GUANGZHOU, CHINA--(Marketwire - 01/11/10) - Sino Green Land Corporation (OTC.BB:SGLA), a leading distributor of high-end fruits and vegetables in China, today announced the signing of a cooperation agreement with local representatives in East Timor to supply green foods to East Timor, a Southeast Asian country with a population of 1.2 million people. Shipments of high quality fruits, vegetables and green foods are expected to commence in January 2010.

Mr. Anson Fong, Chairman, stated, "After extensive discussion and a thorough examination of our operations and facilities, we are pleased to announce this cooperation agreement with local representatives in East Timor to supply high quality fruits, vegetables and green foods to the country. These local representatives have close government relationships and resources that will support our penetration of the local market. By streamlining the import channels of East Timor through direct shipments from China, the price of fruits, vegetables and green foods provided by Sino Green Land would be very competitively priced, benefitting the local population. After penetration of the local market, Sino Green Land plans to cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture of East Timor to develop a local plantation for green foods in East Timor where we will provide local farmers with support in terms of technology, planting, harvesting and marketing of green foods. This is an important geographic expansion for Sino Green Land and we are excited about the opportunity. We hope to develop a strong market presence in the region with the support of the local government and our goal is to achieve market share of approximately 25% in East Timor by the end of 2010."

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Husi maluk naran Henrique Correia:

Bainhira ha'u haree video ida ne'e ha'u laran-kraik. Buatamak PNTL nailima iha uniforme hamutuk ho buatamak nai lima "à paisana" sira tukuona dalabarak mane ida.

Ida ne'e ha'u hanoin-hetan hanesan BRIMOB ho INTEL maka fó porradamakaas iha tempu okupasaun-nia laran.

Hahalok ne'e justifikasaun ruma laiha. Maun X. hatete propaganda bootkatak Timor-Leste iha estabilidade no sst, maibe buat ne'e hatudu TLhanesan raiseluk fuik ida ne'ebé iha ditadura ida no direitus humanuslaiha.

Timor-Leste daudaun rain bosok boot ida.Se ida ne'e rezultado hosi luta ba Ukun Rasik An entaun di'ak liu atukontinua ho bapa sira-nia ukun.

Pelomenus bapa sira momoos, lahanesanregime hipócrita hosi Maun X. ho Maun RH ne'ebé ditadura subar ihademokrasia-nia kotuk.

Hahalok ne'e RTP laharee tanba sira iha moris di'ak de'it iha Dili nosira hakoi sira-nia ulun iha rai-henek.

Sira mós hipócrita tanba sirahatudu propaganda X/RH kail ikan de'it iha TV Portugal nian.HAPARA VIOLENSIA IHA TIMOR-LESTE! BASTA! KETA TERUS TAN!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

FRETILIN.Media Comunicado a Imprensa

Díli, 20 de Janeiro de 2010

O primeiro-ministro de Timor Leste deve agir sobre o conhecimento oficial da corrupção.

É rotina para os parlamentares em Timor-Leste pressionarem os ministros para darem empreitadas de obras públicas para os seus amigos preferidos de negócios, e o primeiro-ministro de facto, Xanana Gusmão, está plenamente consciente disto, de acordo com uma notícia no jornal Timor Post de ontem.

"O primeiro-ministro de facto, Xanana Gusmão, está a falhar no seu dever no juramento que fez como primeiro-ministro, bem como a sua própria promessa durante a campanha eleitoral de não tolerar a corrupção oficial e o conluio criminoso", respondeu o vice-presidente da FRETILIN e deputado Arsénio Bano.

O Timor Post citou o Sr. Gusmão quando este atendia uma reunião de negócios, "Por favor, se houver algum de vós nesta sala, não usem os membros do Parlamento Nacional para telefonar aos ministros."

O Sr. Bano disse: "Esta é uma evidência clara de que o primeiro-ministro de facto sabe da existência do tráfico de influência, que é uma ofensa criminal na nossa lei. Mesmo assim, ele está disposto a tolerar isso, como ele tem tolerado as claras evidencias da anticorrupção encontradas pelo nosso Provedor, tais como a má conduta dos seus próprios ministros e do vice-primeiro-ministro".

O governo de Gusmão tem estado rodeado de corrupção, conluio e nepotismo, na aquisição de bens e serviços que envolvem contratos multimilionários. Existem importantes e não-investigadas alegações envolvendo a sua família imediata, bem como as esposas e filhas dos seus ministros.

No passado Agosto Gusmão entregou $ 70 milhões para o "Pacote Referendum " de empreitadas de obras públicas sem contrato público. Os beneficiários incluem companheiros de confiança do primeiro-ministro, como o seu padrinho, o Sr. Júlio Alfaro.

"O Pacote Referendum também tem de ser investigado", disse o Sr. Bano, "não só por causa do conluio e nepotismo, mas do desperdício envolvido. Estas mal planejadas e executadas obras públicas são hoje amplamente criticadas, como sendo de má qualidade e muitas estão atrasadas na sua conclusão.

"Agora, o primeiro-ministro está a dizer à comunidade de negócios - essas mesmas pessoas a quem ele advertiu para não usar os deputados para telefonar aos seus ministros para obter um tratamento favorável - de que o pacote Referendum será repetido em 2010. Isto é inaceitável", Bano advertiu.

O Timor Post referiu Gusmão dizendo que os contratos de obras públicas de valor inferior a USD $250.000, "não serão submetidos a um processo de concurso, mas serão apenas entregues."

"Com estes, eu próprio e a AECCOP e os coordenadores distritais (do Pacote Referendum) continuaremos a geri-los", disse Gusmão aos homens de negócios, referindo-se à não-inaceitável modalidade da não existência de concurso publico usada no Pacote Referendum, em Agosto e Setembro do ano passado. A AECCOP é uma associação civil timorense de empreitadas, liderada pelo padrinho do primeiro-ministro de facto, o Sr. Júlio Alfaro.

"O primeiro-ministro de facto tem-se comportado mais como o ditador Suharto, que é um herói apologista sem retraimento do desenvolvimento económico nacional. Então, é de admirar que ele não tem a coragem moral ou política, para se referir à prova em relação à matéria de tráfico de influência, pelos deputados da sua própria aliança para o gabinete da Procuradora-Geral? " Perguntou o Sr. Bano.

Para mais informações, por favor contactar o deputado José Teixeira +670 728 7080

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

MEDIA RELEASE : Timor-Leste Prime Minister must act on knowledge of official corruption

Dili, January 20, 2010

Timor-Leste Prime Minister must act on knowledge of official corruption

It is routine for MPs in Timor-Leste to press Ministers to give public works contracts to their preferred business mates, and the de facto Prime Minister, Mr Xanana Gusmao, is fully aware of it, according to a report in the daily Timor Post yesterday.

"The de facto Prime Minister, Mr Xanana Gusmao, is failing in his sworn duty as Prime Minister, as well as his own campaign promise not to tolerate official corruption and criminal collusion," responded FRETILIN's Vice President and MP, Mr Arsenio Bano.

The Timor Post had quoted Mr Gusmao at a business function:  "Please if there are any of you in this room, do not use members of the National Parliament to telephone the Ministers."

Mr Bano said, "This is clear evidence that the de facto Prime Minister knows of the existence of trafficking of influence, which is a criminal offense in our law. Yet he is prepared to tolerate it, just as he has tolerated clear findings by our anti-corruption watchdog, the Provedor, of misconduct by his own Ministers and a Deputy Prime

The Gusmao government has been under siege over corruption, collusion and cronyism in the procurement of goods and services involving multimillion dollar contracts.  There are outstanding and un-investigated allegations involving his immediate family as well as the spouses and daughters of his Ministers.

Last August Mr Gusmao handed out the $70 million 'Referendum Package' of untendered public works contracts. Beneficiaries included the Prime Minister's trusted mates such as his godfather, Mr Julio Alfaro.

"The Referendum Package also has to be investigated," said Mr Bano, "not only because of the collusion and cronyism but because of the waste involved.  These badly planned and executed public works are now widely criticised as having poor quality and many are very late in completion.

"Now the Prime Minister is telling the business community - these same people whom he warned not to use MPs to ring his Ministers to obtain favourable treatment - that the Referendum Package will be replicated in 2010. This is unacceptable," Mr Bano warned.

The Timor Post reported Mr Gusmao as saying that public works contracts worth less than US$250,000 "will not undergo a tender process but will merely be handed out.

"With these, I myself and the AECCOP and the district coordinators (from the Referendum Package) will continue to manage," Mr Gusmao told the business men, referring to the unacceptable no-tender method used in the Referendum Package in August and September last year. AECCOP is the Timorese civil and public works contractors association, headed by the de facto Prime Minister's Godfather, Mr. Julio Alfaro.

"The de facto Prime Minister is behaving more like the dictator Soeharto, who is his self-confessed hero of national economic development.  Is it any wonder that he does not have the moral or political courage to refer evidence that he has regarding trafficking of influence by MPs in his own alliance to the Prosecutor General's
office?" Mr Bano asked.

For further information please call Jose Teixeira MP on +670 728 7080

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MEDIA FLASH: De facto government and FRETILIN find way forward on Anti Corruption Commissioner Nomination


FRETILIN welcomes the new spirit of cooperation and consensus mindedness that has emerged from the de facto government in relation to the nomination of candidates for the post of Anti Corruption Commissioner.

As has been reported in the media there was clearly a conciliatory mood from the de facto government.  This is a positive development and one that is clearly in the national interests given the important of the issue.

However, media reports such as that printed below, that FRETILIN will be permitted to add a name of a candidate of its choice to the list of candidates are simply incorrect.  

FRETILIN has never sought, it does not seek and did not seek at the meeting, and will not be nominating anyone as a prospective candidate to the post.

Neither was it an agreed outcome from the meeting today that it be permitted to do so.

It is legally incumbent on the government to nominate a candidate(s), and for the parliament to vote to either accept or reject such a candidate(s) and vote for one person to be appointed as commissioner.  

FRETILIN looks forward to parliament receiving the list of candidates and for the parliamentary deliberations on the matter to progress.

For further information please contact FRETILIN.Media on +670 728 7080.

AMP Government Bows to FRETILIN, Will Nominate New Anti-Corruption Commissioner Next Week

CJITL flash (19.01.2010): The Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) led by Jose Alexandre Gusmao, finally has bowed to the point of view of the FRETILIN opposition regarding the nomination of Anti Corruption Commissioner (ACC).

Discussions regarding the appointment of the ACC on Tuesday (19 Jan) give a positive indication for FRETILIN because the government accepts FRETILIN nominating a candidate for the position of Commissioner.

The President of the National Parliament, Fernando Lasama de Araujo said that the government’s proposal for the candidate for the Anti Corruption Commissioner sent to the parliament for selection and voting has not progressed because of want of quorum, which according to the law means 49 MPs.
“This has stalled and this has its political impacts, with things not moving forward,” The President said at Parliament House this Tuesday (19.01.10)

“The leaders of the parliamentary parties met and decided to request the Prime Minister to come to sit with the leaders of all of the parliamentary parties to see how we could find a solution to this impasse.”

The former Cipinang prisoner explained that many MPs thanked Xanana for being able to reconsider the position and enable FRETILIN MPs to nominate a candidate.

“I am happy because today we could sit, talk and listen to one another, this does not mean there was consensus but there was an agreement to review the list of candidates to be brought to us, and the government would make certain approaches but no date has been determined yet,” he declared.

Antonino Bianco from the FRETILIN group said that today there was a meeting of all the leaders of the parliamentary parties with the Prime Minister and  a result is now awaited as to who will be the ACC next week.

FRETILIN itself does not yet have a strong candidate to compete with Aderito de Jesus, who is the government’s strong candidate.

Fernanda Borges, as the leader of the National Unity Party said that, “it is the government that has to find the ACC but it must appoint someone with the appropriate background, someone who is impartial, neutral and competent,” Borges said.

When journalists tried to interview Xanana Gusmao he declined to comment merely saying that it would be better for them to interview the President of the Parliament. (Red Spider III/CJITL).