Media service of the FRETILIN party.
Servisu media partidu FRETILIN nian.


Deputadu Jose Teixeira
Tel. Mobile: +670 728 7080

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dr. Mari Alkatiri: “Women and men have equal rights”

FRETILIN Campaign: Dr. Mari Alkatiri: “Women and men have equal rights”

TVTL, 30 June 2012

This was one issue that FRETILIN Secretary General Dr. Mari Alkatiri during a public dialogue campaign event in Atabae, Bobonaro district.

Problems with veterans, road conditions, potable water, electricity, health, education and mini produce markets were concerns raised by the community in the sub district of Atabae to the FRETILIN Secretary General Mari Alkatiri during a campaign public dialogue event held on Friday 29 June last.

Dr. Alkatiri said in the process of answering questions raised by the people of Atabae and seeking their support in the July 7 upcoming election, that FRETILIN would attend to these concerns people have about their living conditions, because from the beginning FRETILIN has been driven by one principle, To Struggle to Free the Nation and free the people from poverty.

“In order to develop agriculture, we have to develop markets.  Coming up here I saw empty market stall buildings, and I said, no one is going to buy from the people coming to sell their produce up here. There are people to sell from here, people who have produce plots. If it is people from Dili who will come to buy, then it is better for them to come and buy from Loes down there.  These are the things we have to develop strategically, to create strategic market centers.  Not to build market stall buildings randomly which then just become shelter for goats and pigs as they are full of right now,” Dr. Alkatiri said.

In relation to the women of the resistance, the founder of both FALINTIL and FRETILIN Dr. Mari Alkatiri affirmed that FRETILIN will place gender equality as a priority in order to progress the living conditions of resistance women and widows in all aspects.

“Men have equal rights with women, and women have equal rights with men.  There can be no discrimination.  But FRETILIN also has a responsibility because of OPMT (Timorese Peoples’ Women’s Organization), which is a FRETILIN organization.  It is not an independent organization.  I ask, why is it that only women do not have some rights? Women also have the same rights as men.  OPMT from 1975 do not receive pensions.  That is unjust.  That is wrong.  They are entitled to a pension too.  If they participated in the struggle, they have a right to a pension,” Declared Mari Alkatiri.

The next scheduled rally will be held in Liquica district.

FRETILIN: "Dr. Mari Alkatiri: Feto Ho Mane Direitu Hanesan"

Kampania FRETILIN: 
"Dr. Mari Alkatiri: Feto Ho Mane Direitu Hanesan"

Sabadu Kalan, 30 Junu 2012

Dezemvolve mini merkadu no sei tau atensaun ba rezistensia sai hanesan kumprimisiu politiku Partidu FRETILIN wainhira hetan asentu maioria iha Parlamentu Nasional.

Kestaun ne’e hato’o husi Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN Dr. Mari Alkatiri iha kampania ho tipu dialogu ne’ebe hala’o iha Atabae Distritu Bobonaro.

Problema veteranu, estrada, Bee moos, Eletrisidade, Saude, esdukasaun no merkadu mini sai preokupasaun ne’ebe hato’o husi komunidade Sub Distritu Atabae ba Sekretariu Jeral partidu FRETILIN Mari Alkatiri iha kampania ho tipu dialogu, ne’ebe hala’o sesta-feira (29/6).

Hata’an ba preokupasaun ne’e, Dr. Mari Alkatiri hateten, bainhira povu Atabae Fo fiar ba FRETILIN liu husi votus iha dia 7 de Jullu, FRETILIN sei rejolve preokupasaun komunidade nian, tamba iha inisiu prinsipiu FRETILIN nian, Luta atu liberta Patria no liberta povu husi kiak.

"Se ita atu dezenvolve agrikultura, ita tenki dezenvolve mos merkadu, hau sa’e mai hau haree uma merkadu ne’eba mamuk hau dehan, ema sira ne’e mai fa’an iha ne’e se mak atu sosa, sira ba fa’an ne’eba se mak atu sosa, ida atu fa’an ne’e ema iha, hanesan ema natar nain sira, se husi Dili mak atu mai sosa iha ne’e diak liu sosa de’it iha loes ne’eba, buat sira ne’e ita tenki dezenvolve iha fatin estrategis para ema bele fila liman hodi ema sosa, laos ba halo uma narnaran deit depois Bibi ho Fahi mak nakonu," dehan Mari Alkatiri.

Iha fatin hanesan, kona ba feto rezistensia, fundador FALINTIL no Fundador FRETILIN Dr. Mari Alkatiri afirma, FRETILIN sei tau aas igulaidade de jeneru hodi tau matan ba feto rezistensia no faluk sira seluk iha kualker aspeitu.

"Mane hanesan feto, feto hanesan mane sira, labele iha diskriminasaun, FRETILIN kuandu fila ba ukun sei haree buat sira ne’e, maibe responsablidade FRETILIN nia mos tamba OPMT ne’e organizasaun FRETILIN nian laos organizasaun independenti, hau bele sehan deit katak, tamba deit mak feto mak laiha direitu, ne’e lae, fero mos iha direitu hanesan mane sira, OPMT 75 la hetan pensaun, ne’e laloos, ne’e sala, tenki hetan, se nia halo luta tenki hetan pensaun," deklara Mari Alkatiri.

Tuir agenda atividade kampania tuir mai hala’o iha Distritu Likisa.