Media service of the FRETILIN party.
Servisu media partidu FRETILIN nian.


Deputadu Jose Teixeira
Tel. Mobile: +670 728 7080

Thursday, February 25, 2010

FRETILIN Ejiji Autoridade Kompetente Hapara konstrusaun “Pelican Pradise Resort”

Bancada Parlamentar de FRETILIN

Komonikadu ba Imprensa

 Bancada Parlamentar FRETILIN Ejiji Autoridade Kompetente Hapara konstrusaun “Pelican Pradise Resort”

Vice Presidente Bancada Parlamentar FRETILIN deputadu Francisco Branco ohin ejiji ba autoridade kompetentes liu-liu ba guvernu de faktu atu hola medidas urjenti hodi trava aktividade konstrusaun  Hotel boot Fitun Lima, ho naran “Pelican Paradise Resort”, iha dalan ninin tasi ibun Tibar tamba hodi bain rua hetan mate ruin nain hitu nian nebe suspeita makaas vitima husi krime militar indonesia nian.

Sr Francisco Branco hateten katak FRETILIN iha ona informasaun katak Komite 12 Novembru nebe hetan mate ruin ne’e, identifika ona husi restus faru nebe hamutuk ho mate ruin katak faru ne’e modelu hanesan husi tinan 1970’s no 1980’s nian, no ho ida ne’e indikasaun forte katak mate ruin ne’e iha neba tamba krime husi militar Indonesia sira durante tempu okupasaun.

“Tamba ne’e ami konsidera fatin tomak iha neeba hanesa fatin ‘Cena de Crime’ neebe bele sai nudar provas iha Tribunal ruma aban bainrua. Nune’e presiza preserva nudar provas maibe ita tenki kuidadu mos katak karik bele iha mate ruin seluk tan neebe hakoi iha fatin neeba,” deklara senhor Branco.

            Bancada FRETILIN mos anitisipa katak Ministerio Publiku mos bele halao ona prosesu atu hapara aktividade konstrusaun iha “Pelican Paradise Resort” tuir lei.
“Prosesu buka, hetan no investiga mate ruin husi violasaun direitu humanus iha tempu Tempu okupsaun Indonesia nian importante atu hetan justica no lia loos. Ita persiza respeita no fo apoiu ba matebian sira nia familia neebe iha direitu atu hetan justisa no lia loos. Tamba ne’e mak Bancada Parlamentar Fretilin ejiji tenke hapara konstrusaun, no investiga se iha mate ruin tan iha neeba,” Sr Branco ejiji .

 Informsaun kompletu kontak media officer Bancada Parlamentar FRETILIN
Lemorai  HP. 7345195, 7378247

Tuesday, February 23, 2010





Dili, 23.02.2010

Sr Presidenti Parlamentu Nasional,

Ilustres deputadus,

Maluk Povo Maubere tomak.

Bancada FRETILIN nudar representante Povo Maubere iha parlamentu nasional ida nee, hakarak realsa nia konviksaun no nia domin ba pas, estabilidade, estadu de direitu demokratiku, konstituisaun, nasaun RDTL no Povo Timor-Leste, Povo Maubere tomak.
Bancada FRETILIN iha consiensia aas tebes katak Povo tomak lakoi rain nee monu fali ba ciclo violensia no terus neebe mosu iha crise 2006-07, no neebe Povo barak moris iha laran durante tempo okupasaun ditadura militar Suharto nian.

Bancada FRETILIN hakarak fo hanoin realidade ida, katak iha historia Timor-Leste nia mak hahu funu ba libertasaun nasional no independensia RDTL. Tamba nee FRETILIN nunka hakarak halo buat hotu atu evita hamonu rain doben ida nee ba konflitu ka violensia.  Ami hakarak deit deefende Povo ida nee husi tentativas no politika atu lori sira fila fali ba moris iha ditadura, opresaun no violensia seluk.  Ita keta hanoin katak ita nudar Povo liberta aan ona husi potensiais opresores ka dominasaun husi ema seluk maibe ita sei moris iha perigu laran.  Ita nia luta ba libertasaun total seidauk hotu.  Dadaun ita iha segunda luta da libertasaun Povo nian husi opresores foun, husi dominasaun foun, husi ditadura foun.

Husu ba Povo tomak atu vigilansia total ba ema hotu neebe buka atu manipula Povo atu sees husi dalan luta atu liberata aan totalmente.  Manipuladores hirak nee iha ita nia leet dadaun, no ita presiza vigilansia total, maske iha tolerancia maxima ba ema hotu nia direitu atu expressa aan no iha ida idak nia konviksaun politika rasik.

Maibe FRETILIN husu ba Povo atu lalika monu ba ciclo violensia neebe ema balun neebe hatudu ona katak sira hatene deit violensia nudar dalan atu hadau kadeira, atu lalika monu ba ida nee fali.  Ita iha demokrasia no estadu direitu democratico neebe ita hotu mehi iha tempo nakukun okupasaun, ni ita tenke kaer metin ba prinsipius hirak nee. 

Iha semana kotuk, deklarasaun politika iha fatin ida nee dehan buat falsu barak neebe kona ba partidu historiku FRETILIN, neebe hakanek ema barak, inklui mos deputadu barak iha uma fukun ida nee.

Bancada FRETILIN hakarak desmente deklarasoens falsu nee.  FRETILIN nunka halo paktu ba violensia.

FRETILIN la halo paktu ho krime, hanesan ema balun halo iha tempo Okupasaun Indonesia no too ohin loron. FRETILIN nia militante barak mak vitima krime tamba hetan torturasaun, kanek todan, mate. Sira nia maluk barak mos mak hetan torturasaun, kanek todan, mate. 

Balun tuur hela iha uma fukun nee, no sira seidauk hetan justisa hasoru sira neebe baku sira ka sira nia maluk, oho sira nia maluk, tortura sira no sira nia maluk.  Realidade historia resistensia nasional hatudu mos katak bainhira Intel ka Kopassus ka TNI ka POLRI sira ba buka ema, persegue ema tamba sira fiar ukun rasil aan, sira ba buka mak PRETILIN ka GPK.
Maske violensia oioin nee, FRETILIN konsege kontribui ba funu atu afirma soberania pais nian no defende Povo liu husi luta hasoru forsa estrangeira neebe usa buat oioin, inklui hetan apoiu husi Timor Oan balun atu luta kontra ita bele hetan ita nia libertasaun no soberania.

Nee laos vingativu, Sr. Presidenti, nee koalia historia no realidade, factus neebe ita presiza koalia, laos haluha.

Ita presiza husu ho diak, tamba sa mak ita ohin loron tuur iha uma fukun nee iha nasaun independenti?  Tamba maluk GPK ka PRETILIN ka ema resistensia oiopin, ka tamba bapak no bapak sira nia anak mas no anak buan?

Tamba FRETILIN hasoru violensia no funu mak FRETILIN aprende hadomi paz, no estabilidade, no dalan nao violencia. Iha segunda luta atu liberta ita nia Povo dadaun FRETILIN sempre buka sai defensor ba Estadu de Direitu Democraticu, defensor ba paz, defensor ba nao violencia. FRETILIN hatudu pirnsipiu ida nee dalan barak ona, hanesan iha 2006 no 2007 bainhira ami tenke hasoru preseguisaun no violensia hanesan hasoru tempo Bapak nian.  Perseguisaun, violensia, sunu no nauk hanesan demonstrantes sira halo iha 2006, bainhira ema liu husi 120,000 tenke ba hela iha lona okos.  Deputadu FRETILIN, kuadrus no militante FRETILIN no sira nia familia barak liu mak tenke ba hela iha lona okos tamba violensia, sunu no nauk.

Biar nunee, FRETILIN defende katak porsesu tomak tenke lau husi constituisaun no lei, no maske justisa seidauk monu ba sira neebe halo krime no violensia ba ema FRETILIN no Povo iha 2006, dalan mak nee deit, lei no constituisaun.  Ita nia rain estadu de direitu democraticu, laos buat seluk, no ita tenke defende prinsipius hirak nee ho isin no klamar tomak.

Maske iha perseguisaun no violensia barak iha 2006, FRETILIN la hatan onda violensia nee ho violensia, hanesan ema 20,000 neebe consentra iha Metinaro hatudu bainhira sira tama halau demonstrasaun iha Dili no fila fali sem violensia.

Maske ohin loron FRETILIN la rekonese legitimidade governu nee ninian, FRETILIN respeita estadu, respeita Povo, no sempre fo ami nia kontribuisaun tomak at harii paz no estabilidade iha ita nia rain.

FRETILIN mak hatudu dalan ba paz no estabilidade. Ita husu deit, iha 2006 nee FRETILIN mak halo violensia atu hatuun nia governu rasik ka?  FRETILIN nia militante mak sunu sira nia uma rasik no nauk sira nia sasan ka?  FRETILIN nia militante mak baku sira nia maluk rasik ka?  Senhores deputadus neebe iha 2006 mobiliza jovem sira tuun mai halo buat hirak nee, neebe deklara iha media internasaionl katak sira servisu hamutuk ho eis Kopassus no eis milisia sira neebe mai Dili prontos para morrer e porntos para matar lalika mai fo lissaun kona ba paz ka demokrasai ba FRETILIN.  Laos FRETILIN mak lori demonstrasaun mai uma fukun ida nee atu sunu, no se la iha forsas militar iha nee, laos atu tau kadeadu deit maibe atu sunu. 

FRETILIN garante ba ema hotu katak imi sei la hare FRETILIN halo ameasas, intimidasaun, violensia no estragus hanesan ema balun halo iha 2006.  Nunka!!

Laos mos FRETILIN nia cultura halo politika eufemismo, koalia lia fuan midar, halo diskursus moral, maibe iha kotuk halo oin seluk fali.  Ami pormove debate frontal, debate oin ba oin, debate matan ba matan, hanesan halau iha demokrasia pluralista hotu hanesan Timor-Leste.  Ami tau buat hotu iha meza leten bainhira koalia kona ba interese estadu nian. 

Ami la pormove sinismo ka farsa ka manipulasaun.

FRETILIN nia historia momos no rekonesidu.  La iha ema ida neebe bele deklara katak FRETILIN “manipulador”.  Tamba FRETILIN laos manipulador uluk ka agora mak ohin loron ita hotu bele tuur iha fatin ida nee nudar nasaun no Povo independenti.

FRETILIN husu mos ema hotu atu konsienti katak ita nia rain nee seidauk tinan barak sai husi konflitu neebe ema barak terus no mate.  Ita seidauk hetan justisa ba hahalok barak neebe mosu iha funu laran. Tamba nee mak ami husu ba deputadu hotu tenke respeita historia funu, sira neebe hetan tortura no kanek tamba sira funu ba rain ida nee nia libertasaun seidauk husik trauma husi tempo uluk, liliu se ita deputadu ida neebe la luta hamutuk ho sira ka hamutuk ho Bapak sira fali, mai koalia buat neebe hatuun sira nia partidu historiku.  Ita nia rain liu husi funu todan, laos liu husi halimar.  Tamba nee mak ita bele halimar ho estraga partidu historiku nia naran, tamba ita labele halimar ka manipula historia neebe seriu. 

FRETILIN husu ba Povo neebe iha semana kotuk laran kanek tamba rona insultu boot ba partidu historiku FRETILIN iha uma fukun ida nee, neebe hamosu mos reasaun makas, husu ba imi hakmatek hotu no halo julgamentu husi liafuan neebe koalia iha tempo neeba tuir konforme imi hare se mak defende rain nee no povo nee nia interesse bainhira tempo too atu ba vota, maibe husu boot atu labele halo violensia ka reasaun nao demokratika no illegal seluk.

Sr Presidenti,

Assuntu hadomi Povo, nasaun no ita nia historia mos iha ligasaun ho akontesimentus iha distritu Covalima no Bobonaro neebe sai polemica iha fulan hirak liu ba.

Liu fulan ida ona mak hamosu sensasionalismu ida neebe ita boot rasik mos envolve kona ba imaginasaun ida naran “ninja”.  Bancada FRETILIN dehan ida nee imaginasaun tamba la iha ema ida neebe hatene saida mak “ninja”, la iha ema ida neebe hare “ninja” ida, la iha ema ida neebe keixa katak “ninja” mak halo krime ida, maibe iha uma fukun nee deputadu balum temi ninja no hatauk no kausa paniku boot ida ba populasaun.  Iha duni krime, maibe krime nee akontese no presiza hetan reasaun porporsional no apropriada husi autoridades atu hapara, maibe liliu medidas atu preven mosu fali.

Ami kestiona imaginasaun ninja nee husi kleur ona tamba hare iha ona nia aspectu politizasaun, hanesan ONG HAK hatete iha nia relatoriu 15/2/2010.

Sr Presidenti,

Fenomeno “ninja” neebe deputadu balun foti iha uma fukun ida nee hodi kria situasaun paniku no terror iha populasaun iha distritu rua neebe hetan atensaun makas, kobertura media makas, no hetan operasaun seguransa, no visita husi delegasaun politika husi Sr Presidenti no deputadus AMP balun, ne fabrikasaun ida ka imaginasaun ida deit.

Sr. Presidenti, ita koalia ho sira nia lia fuan rasik.

Bancada FRETILIN preokupa ho situasaun ida nee hori uluk kedas, tamba ami hare ona katak iha tendensia atu sensasionalisa insidente balun neebe afecta Povo duni, maibe deklarasaun iresponsavel no oioin katak iha actividade boot “ninja” mak halo povo la hakmatek fali.

Sr Presidenti,

Hahalok nee Bancada FRETILIN konsidera “Terrorismu Politiku”, tamba Povo lakon sira nia moris hakmatek tamba ema iresponsavle balun ba hatauk sira ho “ninja”, maske la iha provas nem itoan katak iha ninja.  Ida nee commando PNTL neebe kolia lia fuan “ninja” nee mos ami konsidera iresponsavel no ezigi tenke responsabiliza. 

Sr. Presidenti,

Bancada FRETILIN mos ezigi atu halau investigasaun juridika ida atu responsabiliza ba violasaun lei, constituisaun direitus humanus neebe mosu oha operasaun PNTL nian iha distritu rua neeba, neebe lidera pessoalmente no diretamente husi Commandante Geral PNTL nian.

Sr. Presidenti,

Ema barak konklui ona katak, “Operasaun PNTL iha distritu Bobonaro no Covalima nebe hahu iha loron 22 Janeiru 2010 to’o agora ho aproximasaun militer no laos ho aproximasaun polisial (mantein lei no ordem) hodi kombate “ninja”, aleimde laiha fundamentu legal (la tuir regras konstitusional no lei sira nebe vigora kona-ba PNTL), nomos hamosu ona violasaun direitu umanus no efeitu negativu iha  komunidade. Tanba tuir lei nebe vigora katak, PNTL ninian knaar mak atu mantein lei hodi hamosu ordem publika laos fali atu halao operasaun hanesan militar ba tempu naruk sein iha autorizasaun husi orgaun kompetenti. 

Tuir konstituisaun RDTL artigu 9 no Lei No. 3/2008 (Regime do Estado de Sitio e do Estado de Emergencia) katak bainhira forsa siguransa no defesa halao  operasaun ruma ho involvimentu membru boot so bele akontese iha  sirkunstansia extra-ordinariu. Bainhira PNTL halao operasaun kombate  “ninja”, orgaun soberanu kompetenti seidauk deklara Estado de Ecepção  (emergencia ka estado de sitio).

Obrigadu barak.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

KOMUNIKADU BA IMPRENSA: Governu de facto labele hasalak bebeik ema seluk tamba sira rasik nia frakeza



Dili, 18 Fevereiru, 2010

Governu de facto labele hasalak bebeik ema seluk tamba sira rasik nia frakeza

Vice Presidenti no deputadu partidu FRETILIN nian, Sr Arsenio Bano akuza Governu de facto Xanana neebe nian oras dadaun hatudu hela sira nia frakeza iha negosiasaun kona ba Kampu mina rai no gas Gretaer Sunrise nian.  “Lolos sira rona itoan hanoin neebe fo sai husi ema nasionalista hotu neebe iha konviksaun makas kona ba assuntu explorasaun mina rai no gas iha Timor-Leste, em vez de kritika deit sira, liliu ho bosok,” Sr Bano dehan.

“Ida mak hanesan eis Primeiru Ministru no Secretariu Geral partidu historiku nian Dr Mari Alkatiri, neebe ema hotu rekonese nudar negosiador prinsipal ba Tratadu Tasi Timor no ‘Aranjus Sunrise’ nian (ho naran CMATS), akordu rua neebe assegura ba Timor-Leste riku soin boot tebes husi mina rai no gas, bo’ot tebes liu ida neebe uluk Australia rekonese no aseita atu Timor-Leste iha direitu,” Bano hatutan.

Iha loron 25 Novembru 2009, jornal Timor Post publika katak Secretario de Estadu de facto ba Rekursus Naturais dehan: “possivel Governu Timor-Leste nian troka Companhia Woodside ho companhia seluk neebe laran luan atu harii kadoras husi kampu gas Greater Sunrise no kampu seluk mai Timor-Leste, se Woodside ulun to’os hakarak harii kadoras ba Australia.”

Jornal Suara Lorosae publika iha 14 Dezembru 2009 katak: “Iha kontaktu alto nivel entre Governu Timor-Leste ho representante kompania hanesan Petronas i Petrokimia husi Malaysia, ne´ebe maka Journal ne´e hetan acesu katak: “Governu mos buka dadaun kompania alternativa hodi troka Woodside hodi explora posibilidade dada kadoras GSR mai Timor-Leste”.

Tuir Sr Bano, “Governu de facto ida nee mak temi bebeik atu troka Woodside ho companhia seluk.  Ema hotu sani no rona, maibe ikus mai sira akuza fali dehan Dr. Alkatiri mak koalia.  Nee la los.  Nem Dr. Alkatiri ka FRETILIN koalia nunee.  Memberus governu de facto AMP nian rasik mak temi bebeik ida nee.”

“Maibe, hanesan Timor oan barak, FRETILIN mos preokupa barak ho falta transparensia no hahalok segredu barak tuir neebe sira halau prosesu aprovasaun planu dezenvolvimentu Greater Sunrise nian, neebe bele iha implikasaun juridiku boot ba estadu Timor-Leste kona ba tratadus neebe ratifika te ona.  Ida nee Parlamentu Nasional tenke preokupa no buka hatene, tamba lalaok balun ami hanoin too agora governu de factu seidauk informa lolos ba Parlamentu Nasional,” Bano realsa.

Sr Veriato Seac husi ONG Lao Hamutuk, biar sira kontra Parlamentu Nasional ratifika Tratadu Tasi Timor no CMATS, iha loron 6 Agostu 2009 hakerek  surat ba Timor Post hodi hatete nunee:

“La’o Hamutuk hanesan organizaun  Naun-Govermental ida bé harii no hala’o servisu  iha Timor-Leste, bei-beik ona hakerek no koalia  katak Kompaña Woodside tenke respeita povu Timor-Leste nia interese no hakarak ba iha Projeitu ne’e, nune’e La’o Hamutuk la defende  Kompaña Woodside (hanesan operador) nia interese  maibé povu Timor-Leste nia interese de’it,” no hatutan katak, “Maske nune’e, ami tau iha leten aas no hahii lei no akordu sira ne’ebé maka Governu rua; Australia no Timor-Leste asina no ratifika ona  hanesan Tratadu Tasi Timor (2002), IUA (2003) no  tratadu CMATS (2006). Triste liu maka estadu asina tiha ona tratadu sira ne’e, nune’e ami nafatin bolu antensaun ba Governu Timor-Leste atu konsidera didiak no hakru’uk ba tratadu sira ne’e, hodi la lakon fiar husi komunidade no Kompaña internasional sira. Karik ita la halo tuir lei no la kaer metin ita-nia lia fuan, entaun sei hamosu exemplu ladi’ak ba nasaun sira seluk.”

FRETILIN mos hatene no kompreende katak governu de facto frustradu ho Woodside, Bano dehan.  “Ami mos frustradu ho sira.  Maibe ita hotu tenke kompreende katak maske ita nudar estadu hakarak no buka dalan oioin atu dada kadoras nee mai Timor-Leste, ita tenke respeita makas no halo tuir estadu de direitu demokratiku no tuir ita nia obriogasaun nudar estadu tuir tratadu no akordu internasional neebe ita ratifka.

“FRETILIN malk uluk hahu prosesu ida atu estuda dada kadoras nee mai Timor-Leste, no neebe uluk kedas ba buka peritus diak liu iha mundu atu mai prepara estudu atu dada kadoras nee mai ita nia rain, no ami kontente hare katak governu de facto halo duni estudus hirak nee, tamba ida nee duni mak ira presiza atu dada kadoras nee mai Timor-Leste no atu bele harii fabrica prosesa gas husi kampu Greater Sunrise.

“Bainhira Dr Alkatiri xefia negosiasaun ba Tratadu tasi Timor iha 2000-2002, Timor-Leste hasoru pozisaun toos tebes husi Australia neebe l;akoi fo liu 50% neebe uluk Indonesia hetan iha Area Dezenvolvimentu Konjunta, maibe nia konsege duni muda sira nia pozisaun too sira konkorda ho Timor-Leste iha direitu ba 90% mina rai no gas iha area nee.

“Iha tinan 2003 too 2005 nia mak orienta negosiasaun neebe hetan resultadu iha CMATS, tuir neebe Timor-Leste iha direitu atu hetan 50% husi osan hotu neebe tama husi explorasaun no produsaun iha Greater Sunrise maske uluk sira lakoi fo liu 18% deit, no nia konsege assegura katak kadoras nee sei bele mai Timor-Leste no laos ba Australia deit,” Bano affirma.

“Membru governu de facto balum deklara katak Dr Alkatiri koalia ka halo kontra interese nasional.  Nee sala no bosok boot, liliu bainhira ita koalia kona ba mina rai no gas,” Bano temi kona ba liafuan neebe membru governu balun koalia iha iha loron hirak liu. 

Tuir Bano, La iha ema ida neebe defende liu direitu Timor-Leste nian ba rekursus iha Tasi Timor du ke Dr Alkatiri, hori uluk kedas bainhira negosiasaun foin hahu iha 2000, no molok, liliu kona ba Timor-Leste nia direitu atu lori kadoras mai husi Greater Sunrise.

Iha 12 Janeiru 2006, bainhira halau conferensia imprensa depois de seremonia assinatura CMATS nian, Dr Alkatiri hatete iha eis Primeiru Ministru John Howard nia oin kedas:

“Tamba liliu nia besik liu Timor-Leste du ke Australia, besik liu.  Ida nee buat ida deit, nunee ami iha laos deit esperansa maibe sei luta nafatin atu lori fabrica gas no kadoras ba Timor-Leste.  Ami fiar katak ida nee viavel duni no ami sei tenta atu lori kadoras no hein katak nia ba neeba duni.”

“Nunee, bainhira sira dehan katak nia la fiar katak teknikamente possivel atu lori kadoras mai Timor-Leste, ka nia la defende interese nasional, entaun sira bosok ona.  Ami kontente itoan ikus mai rona membru governu de facto sira mos hader ona no hahu koalia katak sira respeita duni companhia sira nia direitu tuir kontratu neebe selebra te ona uluk kedas. “Ami hein katak sira sei kontinua nunee no la koalia sensasionalismu deit, no buat neebe tuir lei lalos atu halo agitasaun ba Povo deit kontra companhia sira.  Nee la lori ita nia objectivu atu lori kadoras mai Timor-Leste ba oin.

“No mos ami la simu sira nia taka dalan ba sosiedade sivil, comisoens no opozisaun iha parlamentu bainhira ami buka informasaun kona ba prosesu ida nee, informasaun no dokumentus neebe ami husu liu tinan rua ona.  Se sira hakarak atu hetan consensus nasional hasoru se se deit kona ba kestaun ida nee entaun, sira tenke respeita estadu de direitu demokratiku no pirnsipius transparensia ho sosiedade sivil no opozisaun.”

Se presiza informasaun tan dere ba Deputadu Arsenio Bano: +670 741 9505

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

FRETILIN.Media Flash: Human Rights group Concerned with PNTL abuse of Powers in so-called "anti-ninja" commando style operations

Dili, 17 February 2010

FRETILIN bancada (parliamentary group) endorses the recommendations and observations made in the HAK Association Press Statement below.

FRETILIN bancada is especially concerned with the misinformation that has been disseminated in the media, which has added to a public hysteria regarding the existence of "ninjas". As the release states: "the people do indeed feel panicked by the rumors but that the communities themselves have not yet seen who or what “Ninja” are. Local authorities in the two districts also informed the monitoring team that they have not received any complaints from the community or victims about “Ninja” behavior."

This observation is particularly concerning given the widely published public/media statements by the PNTL commander that state as a fact the existence of "ninjas" attributing criminal actions to these "ninjas" and in one instance that some had escaped to Dili already. Some government MPs have been referring to the "ninjas" as existing "almost everywhere in the country at the moment."

FRETILIN bancada is concerned with what has clearly been a "Fahrenheit 9/11" style campaign to ratchet up a public sentiment of "instability" that justifies excessive law enforcement responses.

FRETILIN bancada will follow up on the breaches of the law, constitution and human rights reported in the statement, especially as HAK states:

"HAK Association has identified human rights violations and behavior in violation of the law by individual police officers involved in the operation in the two districts, including ill treatment such as ramming with riffle butts, kicking, beating with batons, cutting people’s hair with a knife, threatening their life, and speaking sharply to people when detaining someone and in detention when they do not reveal who is a “Ninja”."

We agree with an appropriate and proportionate policing response to deal with criminal conduct, and to reinstall a feeling of safety and stability in the affected communities, but totally reject the military style, commando-like operation, which HAK rightfully says was a:

"PNTL commando operation (that) does not respect the constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) Article 9 and Law No 3/2008 (State of Siege and Emergency), because an operation with large numbers in an extraordinary situation requires authorization from an organ competent to declare a Situation of Exceptional Circumstances. The action of the police is a precedent that is contrary to strengthening the rule of law in a democratic state."

FRETILIN bancada has raised in parliament its discontent with the fact that the President of the National Parliament Fernando Lasama de Araujo effected a visit by a "parliamentary delegation" which included no members of FRETILIN or other opposition parties, which is in breach of the rules of parliament for parliamentary delegations to have opposition representation.

Further, in depth inquiry by the national parliament will be necessary urgently to bring more informed comment and perspective into this issue by all concerned.

For further information please contact Jose Teixeira MP on +670 728 7080 and read below for the HAK Press Release

HAK Association
Diretu ba ema hotu no Ema hotu iha diretu
(Every body has rights and rights are for all)

Press Statement

“Human Rights Situation in Covalima and Bobonaro”

As an organization that works for human rights, HAK Association is concerned with the situation in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts, especially the population’s right to security. HAK considers the reaction of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) to the “Ninja” group as an obligation of the competent organs of the state to comply with their human rights commitments. To assure that the police response actually is in accordance with the law and human rights principles, HAK sent a monitoring team to observe the human rights situation in the two districts from 31 January to 4 February 2010.

1. Results of HAK Observations of Rumors of “Ninja” in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts

HAK’s observation revealed, confirmed by community authorities, local government, victims, suspects and some community members in places where “Ninja” terror is said to exist, that the people do indeed feel panicked by the rumors but that the communities themselves have not yet seen who or what “Ninja” are. Local authorities in the two districts also informed the monitoring team that they have not received any complaints from the community or victims about “Ninja” behavior.

The incidents, one child’s death and the death of one young woman, were individual crimes and there is no relationship between them or connection from one location to another. There is also no evidence of organized crime or large criminal groups. The rumors about the “Ninja” group lead people to imagine an organized criminal group, but this is contrary to the actual situation. The groups CPD-RDTL (Popular Council for the Defense of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) and Bua-Malus (Betel Nut) do exist, and individuals from these groups have engaged in criminal behavior motivated by personal hatred and desire for revenge that is falsely attributed to the groups.

The police operation, begun on 22 January 2010 has failed to identify perpetrators involved in a “Ninja” group that is terrorizing communities in the two districts. Through its operation, the police have arrested 20 members of CPD-RDTL and Bua-Malus who they suspect as “Ninja,” but when brought to court the judge released 18 of them based on proof of identity and residence (TIR) due to insufficient evidence to uphold the charges of the police against the suspects. Two of the detained were placed in preventive detention due to a strong indication that they were involved in the death of the young woman in the village of Atus in Bobonaro District.

HAK Association has identified human rights violations and behavior in violation of the law by individual police officers involved in the operation in the two districts, including ill treatment such as ramming with riffle butts, kicking, beating with batons, cutting people’s hair with a knife, threatening their life, and speaking sharply to people when detaining someone and in detention when they do not reveal who is a “Ninja”.

2. HAK’s Concerns

Based on our observations, HAK Association is concerned that the PNTL commando operation does not respect the constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) Article 9 and Law No 3/2008 (State of Siege and Emergency), because an operation with large numbers in an extraordinary situation requires authorization from an organ competent to declare a Situation of Exceptional Circumstances. The action of the police is a precedent that is contrary to strengthening the rule of law in a democratic state.

Additionally, according to HAK’s observations in the two districts, the police operation demonstrates disharmony and inconsistency with the policy outlined by the IV Constitutional Government regarding reform of the PNTL, due to its militaristic character rather than an approach characteristic of community policing. This situation is due to the lack of optimal government attention to the development of the nature of the PNTL as a community police force.

During the operation individual police have violated human rights, carried out actions contrary to the law or abused their power such as arresting people without a court order and persecuting members of an organization, in addition to the violations cited above. This behavior by the police violates the presumption of innocence consecrated in article 34 of the RDTL Constitution, because according to the law only the courts have the competency to decide if someone is guilty.

HAK also observed that local PNTL officers did not respond quickly or act immediately to investigate or arrest the suspects in the homicide and death that occurred in the two districts that finally evolved into “ninja” rumors. Incidents such as these require immediate and urgent remedies by the State of Timor-Leste to prevent additional suffering and for people to believe that PNTL can guarantee their right to security and justice.

3. HAK’s Recommendations

To prevent a worsening human rights situation in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts and to prevent the population from suffering more, as well as to prevent similar experiences in the future, HAK recommends:

The situation in the two districts does not require a large PNTL commando operation because it does not meet the criteria for an Exceptional Situation. Consequently, HAK suggests the competent organs in the security sector quickly examine the policy for the “ninja” operation currently underway in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts.

The responsible organs quickly revise the Plan for PNTL Reform in order to assure harmony and consistency between the plan and its implementation.

National Parliament uses its competency of legislative supervision according to Article 92 of the RDTL Constitution to supervise the executive organs, especially how the PNTL enforces the law.

To publicly guarantee accountability of the PNTL, the competent organs (PNTL Justice Unit and Prosecutor) must assure individual members of the PNTL who behaved contrary to the law and violated human rights are held responsible (administratively and criminally).
Future extraordinary operations by the security and defense forces must be coordinated with the Prosecutor’s Office so that orientation of the police adheres to the law, and thus avoids violating human rights.

That is the extent of HAK’s observations, concerns and suggestions about the situation resulting from the “special” PNTL operation in Bobonaro and Covalima Districts. We await appropriate action to assure that all Timorese citizens can be proud of and cooperate with the PNTL and our police officers.

For More Information or a Copy of the Complete Report Contact:

Rogerio Viegas Vicente, Law and Human Rights Enforcement Program, HAK Association, +670-729-9366 Rui Manuel Viana, Director, HAK Association, +670-723-7179,